[UKRP]Line, Meet Sand

Day 1,364, 07:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Someone once told me a long time ago that if you didn't like something, rather than complain about it, change it. I think it's high time he's finally taken his own advice, and wish him the best.

This article will not be unbiased, neutral, and will speak directly to end any issues some of you might be having. It's directed strictly to those who are UKRP members, and those who want to be UKRP members, and just haven't realised it.

And it's entirely tl;dr with no pictures.

Let's set the record straight, as the Dogfather was summoned. Yesterday was quite the eventful day when it comes to Party Politics, something which many of you don't like, don't get, or can't do.

Yesterday, Simon Hind was accused of, and investigated for multi-accounting. The investigation was enough to convince the administration team on the forums of guilt to some degree, and I have heard that he allegedly confessed, although I have not seen logs or posts of it personally (since I cba to look through 18 pages of forum threads over the same subject in three places). He was removed from the UKRP usergroup, banned from the forums, and reported en masse by the Party itself.

Let's be entirely clear on the matter of multiple accounts, for just a second. The UKRP has not, does not, and will not condone the creation, usage, or concept of multiple accounts for any reason. We've been around far too long and know the consequences of those actions. That matter was handled swiftly, and internally, as soon as the accusation came up. We awaited a proper investigation before drawing conclusions, at which point action was taken.

Over the last two months, the UKRP has indeed doubled in size. The accusation that we did so through the actions of one guy multi-accounting are rather hilarious, especially coming from a Forum Administrator, Game Moderator, and former President. Our recruitment team consists of more than Simon, and trust me, we all work our tails off for the Party we love, the country we love, and the people we love. Our recruitment strategy is simple. We stand for the individual success of each player, as each player dictactes our national success. If one fails, we all fail. If one succeeds, we all succeed.

This is why we have taken so much pride in our accomplishments over the two month period in question. We've got a lot of great, active new members, such as Top Hat Harry, Cliffy, Charlie, Adam, Stian, and the countless others who I converse with on almost a daily basis through either in game Private Messages, or on IRC.

Claiming that your failures to keep pace are anything but an internal issue, and blaming one guy who acted on his own accord for the loss of more than 60 of your members over that time only make a mockery of what you should be working on.

The other issue that arose was that several of our members were having fun Saturday, and it went a little too far. That issue has been taken care of, the members were dealt with, and I know of at least one that apologised as well as possible. While we're not above having a bit of fun with our opposition, such as our Party Activity Checks voting random articles, we do not, nor will not condone personal attacks which crossed a line. Each member involved has willfully said that they wouldn't do so again. I may not like or agree with Dan's increasingly aggressive nature over the last three months, for whatever reason, but that doesn't mean anyone's family should be brought up.

For UKRP members, I'd like to get you to realise something very real. This article has basically accused each and every one of you of being an inactive, mindless, multi-account. Basically, he's calling you a stupid, cheap way of getting the top ranked position. I'd say once again that doing so should have been above a former President, Game Moderator, and Forum Administrator, and ask that each of you show Mr Keers just how inactive and stupid you are not.

The UKRP is the best Party because we care for our members. The UKRP is the best party because we're organised and thorough. The UKRP is the best party because we're active in dilligent.

If you don't like it, I suggest you change it rather than writing an article about it.

Otherwise, we'll be working for the betterment of this country, like the Governing Party should be doing.

If you've seen the rest, you can come join the Best. Click me to do so.

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy

There you go Walla 😉