[UKRP]Keep On, Keepin On

Day 1,555, 15:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

As we move forward in trying to secure regions for Congress this month, we'll be facing an uphill battle. We're trying to fend off the advance of two countries once again, and while we're trying as best we can, we need to do more.

You need to do more.

I need to do more.


The future of the United Kingdom rests on one simple principle, which we've slowly moved towards, yet are still so far away from over these past six months:


We're doing the same things, with similar results, yet we somehow fear that which we do not know, and we need to let go of those fears. We need to take hold of what we cannot understand, and allow it to grow into something beyond any of us.

In short, we need to latch onto a more open feeling of commitment and transparency, and allow others to participate where we have not let them in before.

In terms of what the UKRP will be doing to help this is working closely with anyone who wishes, including all other parties, to work on ideas and programs which we can use to our advantage. We've already set new policies, that will go up sometime tomorrow, and are hoping that along with these, and the commitment shown by many of the other parties in the United Kingdom, we can look at past who belongs to what, and merely see the ideas for what they are:

Reform. Progress. Change.

For any UKRP member, you're asked to get on the bus. We're an open group, and you can join us here, and just ask for access here. Don't sign up and just post once. Sign up, read them through, and get involved. We'll do our utmost to foster your ideas, and put them into action.

It's been said for months. Where others may preach equality, we live it.

Military Unit members, if you want daily supplies, just message me and ask for them (I do that to make sure you're using them ).

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy