[UKRP]I Registered, Now I Quit (First Days)

Day 1,325, 07:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Our Wiki Page


Our goal in the United Kingdom is to constantly look for ways to improve country and community, in every aspect of Erepublik. We will never be satisfied with being the best, we will never stop looking for ways to improve. We shall push on, tirelessly, relentlessly, to ensure that the citizens of the United Kingdom are cared for, and have the ability to do as they choose.Today, Tomorrow, Together, the UKRP.

Welcome to Erepublik! At this stage, if you're here at the media module, you're probably doing pretty well. You've figured out where the "News" button is, or at least learned to click on the quick buttons from your home page.

Good job, you're now better than 80% of the people who sign up.

You might also be asking, what can I do at this stage? The answer is simple. In game, not much.


You see, Erepublik is far deeper than the ingame experience, at least initially, lets on. There are a few thousand (if we're being honest) players playing at any given time, and all of the older or active citizens are using other means of communication outside of just the media or ingame messaging.

Why? I'm glad you asked!

Because while the media and messaging is nice, it's not a very good way of real time communication. You don't get alerts when people comment on your articles, and you aren't going to click refresh every five seconds to see if someone responded to your message. When people wait for messages in game, that's usually when they get bored, and quit.

And I don't want. I want you to be able to enjoy yourself as much as possible, and stick around because hey, that means we as a country get better.

Now, at this stage, you're wondering where we do our communicating at. Well, we have two means of doing so. You can log onto our National Forums, where there's usually up to 50 people at any given time (before midnight BST of course) browsing, commenting, and talking about various things. Being that we have a community built around more than just people from the UK in real life, the forums offer a great way for long term communication that can be recorded and done over several days. It's a bit different than your in game messaging system because it's quite a bit more private, and you can get to know the people specifically in your own country and active userbase, rather than any average Croatian who just happens to be browsing the media.

The other thing we use is Internet Relay Chat, or IRC as everyone will call it. For the UK, we use the Rizon server. If you don't have your own client already, such as mIRC (which you can download for try for free, but requires just a bit of set up), you can use a client such as Rizon's Webclient, which will open a window and ask you for your nickname and channel. Your nickname is whatever you liked to be called (usually your ingame name, or some variation), and the channel will be #euk (number sign included). From there, you can visit the various party chats (those dirty girls in the TUP have their own, but I highly recommend the UKRP chat at #ukrp, and ESO has their own as well, but they also maim kittens and puppies on the regular so I wouldn't recommend them either. I am also not biased at all. To join another room from the #euk room, all you have to do is type /j #ukrp, and hit enter.

Now, another question I get from many people is what do I do with my money? Most of you aren't referring to Gold, but rather what buildings and companies you want to make. I'd seriously shy away from starting weapons companies until you can afford to produce as much food as you can eat in one day (2400 Health total). It's nice to fight with weapons, and you might do less damage with just food, but at least with food you have the opportunity to fight. At lower ranks, it's more important to fight more, gain experience and rank points, than it is to do higher amounts of damage with less fights. That will come later. You'll want to work on upgrading your food company with your gold, and setting up Food Raw Material companies with either gold or GBP depending on how much Gold you have and whether you buy any. Remember, you'll get gold for your medals (Super Soldier and Hardworker, etc), so you'll get more even if you don't buy it.

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And lastly, I'd suggest joining the UKRP. We're a tight community, with a bunch of cool people, and we'll help you out in any way we can. As a member, you can join our Military Unit which offers advice and a way to get to know people, and we offer free food to help people get going and get more experience. We're all on equal footing both new and old, and you'll be treated as if you had played this game for years.

Remember, anyone can talk about equality. At the UKRP, we live it.

H(J)ugs and Kisses,

Hi Iain