[UKRP]Dishmcds for CP

Day 1,563, 07:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
I kid.

We've finished our member primary for Presidential Elections, and it's that time again to figure out who's going to lead our great country next month via who-supports-who and who's-actually-running.

First, I'd like to wish all this months candidates the best. We're certainly not in a great situation, and need a lot of work, and as I've said a few times, it's as much about changing how we think as it is changing what we do. I hope that the coming month will bring us an active President, who's more willing to try to change things, and at the very least is capable of making us, as a nation, a little less apathetic.

Now, all that being said, the UKRP would like to announce, that as a party, we've voted to support.....no one.

We're choosing to not endorse a candidate in this election simply because we as a party did not unite behind any one candidate. We wish Talon, and whoever else is running the best of luck, and personally I'll be voting for Talon, but every member is free to exercise their democratic right to vote for whoever they feel is best fit to lead the nation.

Since we had a candidate placed for Presidential Elections already (and the stupid mechanics won't let me remove him) I'm leaving Arthur Wellesley in the place of the UKRP for President. Good luck Arthur. : 3

Now, onto other member related things:

1. If you're a member of the MU, don't forget you're entitled to weapons each day! Simply message me, and I'll shoot some over. We allow you to work privately to purchase some of your own, and then provide with a supplement. If you need food, you may also ask for that as well.

2. If you're looking for a great community of smart players to join, or are a new player and need a little help, feel free to look at the UKRP! We're more than willing to help you with whatever you need, be it a hand to get started, some advice, loans, or whatever else.

3. We'll be holding a Party Presidential Primary on the 9th of March for the upcoming month. Anyone interesting in running on the ballot needs to join the forums and ask for UKRP access. You can then get involved in the party, post your platform, and generally be productive.

If there's anything I forgot, feel free to shoot me a PM and yell at me all you'd like.

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy
UKRP Party President