[UKRP/ATO]Elections Tomorrow

Day 1,332, 07:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Tomorrow, elections for Party Presidents are here again. We'll see the next crop of brave dummies take the reigns for the political parties in the United Kingdom take office, knowing that their contributions must dance the line between building the party they love and cooperating with those dastardlies from the others. As all of the top five parties normally do, they have held internal polls among other things to decide who will get the purple forum name, as it is one of the most coveted colours on the forums. Here are your top five parties, and any PTO threats which have been classed as such by the head dastardly himself.

As the PM to each of you noted, please ask your own Party President for voting instructions, since they are responsible for conducting these polls and elections each month anyway. We wouldn't want you to think we're taking away your democratic right to vote or anything.

The The Unity Unity Party Party

The Unity Party's official candidate for the month is tomf60, or Tom Flether as he is known in game. An expert in graphics, he released his four million word manifesto with some pretty neat graphics that I'm sure he did all by himself. Quite the lovely chap, he is. Artela, our lovely MoD and current Party President should have this well in hand, and will probably tell you not to vote one of the other forty-nine candidates in your party.

The Uncle Kracker Reform Party

The UKRP's official candidate this month is Thomas765. A former Party President himself, and former President of some other minute country, Thomas released his manifesto which was succinct and to the point. As acting Party President, I'll be helping to direct votes throughout the day, and I'll tell you not to derp.

Every Single One Left Out

The Grump, another former Party President, has won the ESO forum poll with a slight lead over Daeres, an up and comer. The current Party President is dastardly, and Gambit8, who quit earlier this month has resumed his duties while dastardly went and did things for his President position. The nerve of putting country over Party, amirite? For voting directions, you can contact Gambit8, to ensure that your Party vote is safe. If you cannot find Gambit, then please contact The Grump or ranflax for direction.

People's Pretend Communist Party

The PCP's official candidate this month is Draaglom, or as I have started calling him, Molgaard. He is the incumbent, so it might be a bit weird to have him telling you to vote for him, but he returns to the top seat once again during this election cycle. There are a couple of derps running here, so we will keep an eye on this throughout the day.

APP, because I don't know what it's actually supposed to mean

The official candidate in the APP party will be Blandman, who won their forum poll. The current Party President is Smack, who took over for Connor West due to his RL schedule, so you can also talk to Devoid (who is actually a normal member of APP) to get voting directions throughout the day. We will also be keeping an eye on this party as well.

There are currently three candidates classed for ATO voting, and we have ATO candidates in each required place. Parties have all been instructed to watch their own races, and we will be using our normal ATO IRC channel to direct votes should it be required.

If you don't like it, do what I do, and blame jamesw.

For UKRP members, I ask that you check in with me via in game PM or through IRC throughout the day (I'm sure Crooksey or Thomas will also be around most of it if I'm not) for voting instructions.

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Dishmcds, on behalf of your Anti-Takeover Committee

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