[UKRP]A Little Less Suck

Day 1,543, 15:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Things in Erepublik have changed quite a bit over the time I've been here. There used to be a definitive division in the Erepublik modules, where you could enjoy one, two, or all three of the (barely) usable modules employed by Erepublik. They've worked very hard to remove the division, however, and for the most part success is quite simple.

New players.

It's down to you, the individual. The person. The guy who shows up and says "I want to do X". That's how people succeed. That's somewhat how it's always been in a way, but as I said, with a definitive split between being "Military" (since as a politician at one point you couldn't even move), "Political" (since you lost a lot of rank and points due to not being able to move and fight), and "Economic" (since loltheresnotreallyanyeconomyanymore).

I, Jaxon Leith, declare my candidacy for the Party President position. (oldfag joke)

No, seriously, I am going to run for Party President of the UKRP this month. I'd like to make a little less suck than what the UKRP has done over the previous few months. My main goals will be quite simple:

-Set up and run an efficient MU, since apparently Betafoxtrot is unable to do so (and somehow he made MoD this month).

-Have some kind of media presence (since everyone knows I can actually write articles, and apparently the rest of us have an issue with that).

-Have some semblence of order within the framework which has served the UKRP well for more than 4 years.

That's it. Nothing fancy. No new schemes, or ploys. I'm not going to trick the admins into making the Hydra MU the "Noob" MU so I can lie to them about the UKRP. I'm not going to create some grand raw materials scheme that the admins can crap on in an instant when they remove the bot or decide that people need to focus on finished goods once again.

We're going to be a party again. A real, functional, actual party.

So vote for me on February 15th. I know I will be. 😁

Obligatory Experience Post is Obligatory:

7 time President
Can't count how many times Congress
Can't count how many times Minister
Can't count how many times Party President

Hugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy