[UKRP]A Good President, and Solving the Alliance Issue

Day 1,561, 08:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

The President debate has come up over the last few months, as we've hit somewhat of a downslide in terms of activity and talent. We're beaten back with a lot of people screaming about what they want in a President, but the problem is there's no clear consensus about how to do things and when.

So, that being said, here's a few personal opinions of what a President should be:

-A good President listens to what the entire population wants, not just those people whom he gets along with.
-A good President is tolerant.
-A good President spends a lot of time online.
-A good President has competent people working with him, not for him.
-A good President is someone who thinks big picture and long term, not short sighted and short term.

What do you guys want in a President? For all of you who complain about the job others do, including myself, what could you, or would you do differently (and exact specifics, not just LOLI'DBEBETTER)?

Now, moving on, I have solved the Super Alliance issue. No need to thank me, EDEN, or ONE for that matter, but I've figured out how to stop the useless, constant stream of articles about the problems within each alliance. I'm going to break you into smaller alliances, based on what I perceive your current interests to be:


I'd have a hard time breaking up the big four in ONE, as within the Alliance they were the original founders (and not to mention ONE really dominated everything when they weren't 29 countries large), so this alliance would be the core members of Poland, Serbia, Hungary, Sweden, and Spain. While they are all decent to large (Sweden is smaller but has a lot of high strength players), they cooperate fairly well within those five nations.


Now, the TWO Alliance, which would be pro-ONE but not quite ONE, would also be rather simple. It would contain the United Kingdom, Slovenia, Iran, Macedonia, Turkey, and Indonesia.


ABC functions just fine as far as I can see, so it would remain as Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. They're mostly pro-ONE, but have some friends on the side too.

Now, I'm sure I've missed out on a few because I'm not really sure where they'd fit, such as Venezuela, Mexico, Austria, Montenegro, and so on, which they can be in TWO or form their own smaller alliance that cooperates within regions or with ONE itself, but let's move onto the other side of the coin, which is TEDEN:


Terra's main nations are the US and Brazil, with Canada joining mainly because they want to suck off the US some more but be in both alliances, and so on, but we could go back to when Terra had its main core members of the US, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, France, and Germany. Cyprus can be thrown in here too, since I doubt they want to be in EDEN directly, although you could also throw them into an Independent alliance, and I left Canada in here too because honestly it makes more sense. I also added Ireland.


This one was simple. Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Italy, Portugal, Israel, Belarus, Ukraine, China, and Greece.


This means The Independent Trade System, which is nothing really, just sounded better than coming up with any real Alliance name, but would be countries that can be both Pro-ONE and Pro-EDEN/Terra depending on where it's involved. Things like the Cyprus/China/cCc iNCi cCc dispute wouldn't happen in this way either. It could be like Chile, Finland (since EDEN really only craps on them anyway), Ukraine, Norway, BiH, and so on. That way you can have a fairly decent sized independent alliance that wouldn't require them to merely follow the US (and get the LOLUSPUPPETS) or Serbia/Spoland (same kind of treatment), Romania, and so on, but they can remain friendly.

See, 6 alliances would be much more fun, and you wouldn't have the constant whine of inter-Alliance complaining like you do now, since every article in International is about some kind of alliance circlejerk. You're welcome.

For UKRP members:

If you're a part of the Military Unit, message me for guns. You're allowed to work privately to purchase some, and then we supplement your supply (which keeps us around where most other MU's are in terms of supply). I'll shoot food over when requested normally as well.

Don't be afraid to jump on IRC and get to know us as well. We're always on, and even though we may talk 24/7 like BBH, we prefer quality over quantity. You can find us in #ukrp on the Rizon server.

If you're looking to join a political party, then look at the UKRP. We're full of opportunities, and are here to help you in any way we can! Don't just read someone's wiki, talk to them in person to see who you're more attracted to. I can guarantee you that you won't be disappointed!

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy
UKRP Party President