[UK]No Wonder No One Likes Ireland

Day 1,357, 07:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, apparently at some point yesterday morning/Saturday night, Ireland found a way to make Amazon's entire Western European Web Hosting go down. This has caused problems for a few of us.

And they wonder why everyone hates them. All the more reason to wipe them again. Amirite?

Congressional Debate/Vote

So, back to it, here's a message to Congress. Since we have no forums, we're going to have an online IRC debate tonight at 8 PM BST, followed by our first ever IRC vote. Every MP has access to our Parliament channel, so I expect every MP to be there (regardless of Party). Those who are not, are simply missing out. The forums being down cannot hinder our ability to govern ourselves.

Once again, that's 8 PM tonight, BST in the Parliamentary IRC.

And fear not, we're getting as much done as possible while we're on an outage. I encourage all citizens (even Finest) to come to the IRC channels, should you need anything. We're still here, plugging along, like normal. I'd use a Keep Calm graphic, but they're a little boring. So instead, I'll use this:

At least that should keep your attention.

Vice President