[UK]Foreign Affairs, and LOLTURKEYSPAIN

Day 1,360, 12:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
The last week has proven to be quite the interesting week, indeed. While we're about 6 days into the current Presidential term, there are quite a few developments in terms of Foreign Affairs, wars, and lolTerraEDEN.

Win Some, Lose Some

Over the past month or so, the World landscape, as I had said somewhere in the last month, has once again changed completely within the Erepbulik normality of cyclical movement. EDEN and Terra, which at one point were completely wiped from the map as individual nations, found a strength through RW's to fight back, and now have started learning that you can't just MPP a few countries and win (unless your name is Poland and Serbia). They've liberated most of the US, North America in general, China, and some other random countries (inb4WHATABOUTMYCOUNTRY). Germany and France are still quite in a predicament being stationed right in between several pro-ONE or ONE members, and overall ONE still controls quite a bit more of the map than both EDEN and Terra, or even TEDEN combined.

Most people fail to realise that ONE knows it's not going to win every single battle. It also realises it loses more RW's than it wins (in most cases), simply because most of EDEN and Terra did not, or do not have countries to return to. It's much easier to have a "mobile" force when your entire country is missing. Surprised? Yeah, not really. Congratulations on the coordination, there.

ONE still does more damage, and when focused through direct battle can still win any battle it puts all of their damage to regardless of what EDEN does. The only thing that saves EDEN and Terra in that case is Romper or Argrob. Surprised? Once again, no. Aliends or not, I wouldn't be surprised to see the ONE machine fired up again really soon.

However, let's look at the newest little tryst that people seem to like to grab onto.


So, someone who just happens to be high in ONE called most of Turkey cheaters. Understandably, people were a tad pissed off in Turkey. Being completely fair, and someone who has been allied with Turkey since Beta, if you think one guy calling you cheaters is new, then you should perhaps check your records. Sure, you might not like it, but do I have to really go through the various US, Canadian, Spanish, Polish, and other various EDEN or former EDEN countries forums and find how many threads they made when your country got IP banned? Or how many threads I can find about Onrche and how most of the US hated him because he was banned at one point then got unbanned?

Because I can. If that's what it takes to show you that you can't afford to be emo, 12 year old reactionists to countries that merely want to take advantage of you, then fine. Check your history books before figuring out that Terra and EDEN already bent you over and screwed you once when you tried to join them the first time. They chose Greece over you, for pretty much the same reasons you're mad at Spain now. You really think that all of a sudden they love you and "have just been hiding it?" People like Glove, and Alexander Sunbeliever have always been opportunists when it comes to their media articles, writing things you want to hear, rather than actually just telling you what they actually think. Why bother even listening to them?

Now, you were presented around a month ago with an alternative to ONE, but you have chosen, and had chosen, to await membership. You were helped immensely in conquering what, 50 regions on your way to Russia by ONE support, including those Spaniards you're foaming over, and calling useless.

I hear the referree was Turkish 😁

And let me say that to be honest, I don't really personally even like Spain, but to each their own. Personal opinions are just that, it hasn't affected their ability to govern themselves in a long time (pretty much since their CP was impeached and retreated a ton of regions to the UK, iirc).

So for anyone going LOLSpain, sure. LOLSpain. We can also LOLTurkey for being so emo about everything, which I will be more than happy to do. I love Turkey, I always have. You do, however, need to realise what you're doing before hand, since you've already been screwed once by EDEN, which caused you to get wiped to begin with. You really want Bulgayria and Greece to have the same results they had the first time?

Other than that, Foreign Affairs have been pretty quiet. Slovenia are awesome (as usual), Indonesia has NicoSianpiar, so that makes them automatically chill, Germany and France are still lollingIreland for whatever reason, and TEDEN is being TEDEN. In approximately two days we'll once again re-wipe Ireland, and we should begin to finish our Training war with Belgium in the next day or so. Our Foreign Affairs are pretty good at the moment, we're friendly with those who are friendly with us, and so on.

So if you have questions, and inb4trolls, just post them below.

Hugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy
Who Happens to be VP