[UK-CP] Start of Term updates

Day 6,074, 09:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

First of all thank you for your votes! And thank you to Prince William I for making it at least a two horse race!

This month I will be looking to continue Mr Woldy's good work the past couple of months and using it as a platform to build upon. For a refresher of the targets this month, please see this snazzy image.

The cabinet will see a slight change too and will be this month:

Mr Woldy - vCP and Governor
There's no better player in the eUK when it comes to finances and spreadsheets so naturally Woldy will be the perfect choice handling all things monetary!

Mr Immanuel Kant - Minister of Defence and Foreign Affairs
I will be handing the reigns of Defence and Foreign Affairs to MIK this month, tasked with keeping myself and you all abreast of what's happening outside our borders as well as assisting with keeping an eye on our fighters at home.

Sambo223 - Minister of Home Affairs
Sambo will be continuing where he left of overseeing Weekend Whimsy and other tasks traditionally done by the Entertainment Dept, and I would also like him to work in conjunction with MIK to identify other countries that we may be able to recruit from.

Darkmantle - Minister of Education
One place I think has not had the attention it deserved whilst the rest of the government was overhauled is the Education side for the small amount of new players who do join and DM has graciously accepted this task for the month.

Lastly but certainly not least we will also be joined by Laskii and Synni who will assist and their own insights and ideas to help us improve as we go. My special thanks go to them for volunteering month and hopefully by the end of the month be fully equipped to run their own ministries!

Again thank you all for your votes and I look forward to another solid month for the eUK!

Thanks for reading,

Beta o7