[TUP] Thank You!

Day 1,953, 13:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

The Unity Party along with The Independent Alliance today stormed into the first spot of the Congressional elections with a whopping 210 votes cast bringing in 35% of the vote and between the two parties 14 delegates.

This is considered by both parties to be a great achievement and one which we are both thoroughly pleased with. We received a voter turnout across the two parties of 68%, the highest turnout of any coalition or single party in the eUK this month.

The Unity Band, part of TUP Family, leads the pre-electoral Unity Rally through the streets of London

The Unity Party is pleased with this positive result for our party, for the second time in as many months. This is a result of creating a more positive impression of TUP within the UK community as well as increasing internal unity and co-operation of the party under the leadership of both Iain Keers and Talon Karrde.

Our internal body is stronger than ever before with new faces in the forums and IRC, we regularly have around 20 people in our internal IRC room and we have had seen an increase in posting over the last two months.

This strength has resulted in us reaching not only the top spot in terms of party numbers, but our increased retention has seen us become the largest party in Congress for two months running.

Crowds celebrating throughout the UK the success of TUP

I would like to introduce you to your TUP delegates for this month:

Naypalm is a young TUP member who has already shown enthusiasm and initiative as well as an ability to run with jobs assigned to him, such as collecting money for the NHS on behalf of the party. This is his first month in Congress and we have high hopes for him!.

Vistulus is an older member of TUP who has been in Congress before who has decided that it was about time he got back into helping out with the party some more.

This player, gManalishi, has been around for almost a year now and was one of the first to jump at the opportunity to get more involved with the party and the eUK community in general. We are excited to have had him elected this month, and to have him getting more involved generally.

Xaeleam is another older TUP player, however, this is his first shot at Congress. He has been around for a long time and it is great to see him beginning to take his experience on the game to the next level.

Another older player, and a bit of a wanderer, Stianoux is well known on the off-topic part of the eUK forums. He has been in Congress before over in South Africa and Czechoslovakia however this will be his first plunge into the UK Congressional debates. We have high hopes that he will do well over here and will be a great representative.

Kravenn is the longest serving member of Congress in the UK, with this being his 38th election. A solid, dependable person and aware of pretty much everything that happens within the world, Kravenn is an asset to any Congress of any country. We are very happy to have his insight and advice on hand within Congress as well as experience to impart to younger citizens.

What can I say about HRH Mr Woldy I, King of eBritain, Canada, Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Jamaica and Ireland. He has started a new way of looking at Congress and what Congress can actually do within the framework of game mechanics and the like.

Deepfryedmarsbar is another younger citizen who has stepped up over the last few months, including running for Congress in December. He has proven his dedication to the nation and will be a great asset for the nation.

Keldonis is an older player finally taking the plunge to get more involved like many others both within the party and the eUK generally. We expect great things from him this month!

And that’s me! I am a 3 time Congress member, PP of TUP and co-MoHA under President Evil. I have served loyally and remained active and dedicated to serving the nation.

Rob Reid is an older player who has returned to the game and is interested in getting more involved in politics. Originally a member of the PCP he has decided to join TUP as he remembers us from the past. We are pleased that not only did he choose to join us but that he wanted to get involved and run for Congress. We wish him well this month.

This is Skibbler’s second term as a Congress member. He has proven activity and dedication to the job over the last month, and has been involved from the beginning of his elife in The Unity Party.

McAfee01 is a dedicated and loyal player with a history of service to the country and the UK. We are pleased that he has chosen to run again, and even more that he has been elected!

Finally, but certainly not least, is Twycross.

Our Independent Alliance runner, chosen by popular mandate from within his party to run we have just as high a hopes as they do that he will be a great member of Congress this month. We wish him luck this month, and his party best of luck in making it into the Top 5 next month!

We would like to take the time to thank all of you who voted for The Unity Party, and to the Independent Alliance for choosing to run with us. We appreciate the trust you have shown in our delegates and our policies and we promise to continue to provide solid, trusted leadership as we have month in and month out.

Finally, if you are looking to run for CP and you would like to be placed on The Unity Party ballot for this month, message http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1419106.

On another, related note, we would like to invite you to join The Unity Party if you are seeking a change, do not feel your represented or if our policies resonate with you.

- TUP gained the most congress members
- IA are pretty cool
- Thankyou to those voting for us
- Message Talon if you want to be put on the CP ballot

Thankyou for reading

Congress Member and Spokesman
The Unity Party