[TU] Help the portuguese babyboom!

Day 788, 08:18 Published in Turkey Portugal by ChiolasPT

As you might see, Portugal is going through a babyboom, we managed to get free publicity on a well-frequented website. Although we don't expect a massive babyboom (sadly most of our RL population still thinks that internet is a tecnology brought by aliens 😕 ), a boom of few thousands of players would already help a lot (people generate money, money generates more money, snowball effect😁). We need your help to achieve the best results possible and in the future to help PHOENIX, Portugal has some of the best soldiers in the world (euphonix \o/), with a nice population we would be deadly😁

What can YOU do to help?

In this one, this one and this one you just have to vote the article, go to the bottom of the page and give it 5 stars

This one is the most important, I think that just visiting the link will help, however if you have the time push the thumbs up button on the comments (but ONLY ON THE ONES THAT ARE ALREADY POSITIVE, we have some trolls screwing around >_&gt😉. Don't write comments, only if you know portuguese (google translator isn't good though 😛)

We have already accomplished a lot, one of the articles has already 1900 votes, thank you PHOENIX \o/

Note: if you can translate this article into your own language and give me the translation via ingame message 🙂