[Time4Change]Let's Talk about Oak

Day 1,501, 08:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Gentlemen (and ladies);

One of my main areas of focus over the last two months during Presidential Campaigns has been the inclusivity of how we are, or, more accurately, how we are not. For the longest time, which you could include my own Presidential terms in, we've used private IRC channels for just about everything. We have public channels, which could include military channels, our public #euk channel, or even our Ministry channels, but a large majority of what we do is locked away in a private IRC channel, or private subforum for a select few to discuss and know.

I see this, in the current set up, as a failure to adapt to gameplay standards. As a good friend of mine has said a few times, this game has largely turned into an individual game which relies on large spending on tanking. Battles are won and lost by a few people tanking a couple million (or, in Croatia's case, 2 guys tanking 100M damage per day), and more and more the little guy, the normal military or political guy, is lost in the shuffle.

While I agree in a sense that the Administration of Erepublik is basically trying to milk those large spenders for whatever they can, as leaders of this country we must adapt as much as possible. We have to try and be as inclusive as possible, both in terms of how we coordinate our military forces, but how we include people in our community as well.

I intend this term to have an open, public Cabinet channel. There will be no secret Cabinet channel to speak of, but furthermore I intend to clean up the exclusive nature of the UK forums as well. We have sections we flat out do not need (especially with the planned and future reforms of the Military). There is simply no need to have private subforums for each and every small little division within the UK Government.

If you'd like to apply for a Ministry, then please click this link, and apply for a position. All applications will be considered.

Now, you may ask how this is going to effect you, the citizen.

The answer is simple. When you go to the UK Forums, you'll be able to see the same information as any other UK Soldier. You'll have access to any UK Government forum. You'll be able to log into IRC, join the Cabinet channel, and have any question answered, any idea heard, and anything recognised that you want to do to help this country.

We will, as I stated last month, have Ministers to merely handle the keys and money, but overall, this will be the most inclusive set-up of Government that I've seen in 4 years in the United Kingdom. Everyone can, and will be involved in however they want to be.

The few Ministers we'll have are:

Ministry of Legislative Affairs: Moderate the Political Section, move things to vote in Congress, and tally attendance for Congress (voting and discussion).

Ministry of Home Affairs: Handle the domestic side of the UK, including articles to inform our citizens, message members of the community, do our giveaway programs (which I'll outline in my Domestics Manifesto on Sunday), and mentor new players.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Handle normal contacts with other countries, help coordinate damage for our allies and our own battles, and be our contact through our Alliance.

Ministry of Defence: Be the main contact for our Military Units, and coordinate our UKSF Elite Division. There will also be representatives for each established MU in the Ministry of Defence, provided you run an MU which both hands out supplies and coordinates damage (will be a minimum member amount to qualify).

Ministry of Finance: Handle the Bank of England, and ensure record keeping of expenditure, as well as control the giveaway spending programs such as land grants and the free companies.

That's it. No secret duties. No unknown chat rooms which you won't have access to.

On January 5th, let's take the UK in a better direction. Let's let progress take the place of apathy. Let's let stability replace the constant rotation of stagnancy. Let's change for the better.

Presidential Candidate for January