[Time4Change]I am Serious This Time

Day 1,500, 10:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Hello there! Yes, it's me again. It's about time I put some effort into running for CP because, in my opinion, it's definitely needed at this stage. The UK has been wiped in the last two weeks, we've lost all economic production, we have no Congress, and our military is in dire straits, losing members to private militias and seemingly is without any clear direction.

I am tossing my sombrero, and with effort this time, into running for Prime Minister. As it is well known, I've been Prime Minister 4 times before, and an elected President 7 times in my career. I've served as MoD both recently for a short stint as well as before, and have held just about every office there is in Erepublik. Over the next month, we're going to need to do some rebuilding, and not just in game.

We're going to need to rebuild our entire community, as it seems we're not quite the vibrant source of ideas we once were. For too long now, more than half a year, we've done nothing but recycle the same Ministries, ideas, and programs with little effect overall. This needs to change, and I feel like I've got some things, both new and old, that when combined can do the trick. Over the next few days you'll find my domestics manifesto, as well as my mil/forrig manifesto to overlook. As always I'd be open to include anything anyone wants given merit, and be more inclusive than we've been in the past year, allowing anyone to come into our midst, and succeed with effort and ease.

My sombrero is well tested, worn, yet has that aged, classy look that would look quite nice on Downing Street's front door, and I ask even though some of you might be averse to voting for me, to give me the opportunity to prove you wrong.

For anyone who wants to apply for an official Ministry (MoD, MoLA, MoF, MoHA, MoFA), please apply here:

Cabinet Applications

Best Regards, and any discussion is welcome either here or in IRC,
Presidential Candidate from the UKRP (and hopefully others)