[Time4Change]Forrigs, and the Mil

Day 1,504, 13:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

The hot topic is our Military and Foreign Affairs. We just joined the ONE Alliance this past month, and although ONE has come under fire lately (which is the biggest reason for our wipe anyway), I stand by that decision.

I was vocal when we joined ONE about a single thing:

You cannot whine about not getting support 24/7 from your Alliance if you lose a few battles. An Alliance is a long term commitment, and I intend to keep it should you choose to elect me. I do not blame ONE for our wipe. I blame EDEN and Terra for our wipe. I blame a lack of communication and commitment from our own damage pool. I blame a lackluster strategy that did not pan out short or long term. We have to be able to, at the least, stand on our own in some instances. We did not do that.

At the very basis of this game, if you're a player and you log on, and your own country is being attacked, about 80% of all players from that country will do their damage for their own country, regardless if the battle is winnable or not. This stands true for almost every country in the world. Your home is threatened, you fight for it. We, as a country, need to do as much as we can to change this aspect of our nation, and hopefully work within the alliance to change it in every other country we're allied with too. We need as many people as possible fighting in winnable battles that we all focus on. When we do so, ONE wins. When we fight for our own countries, ONE loses. Once again, it's that simple. Now, that being said, I don't think one Old timer from the UK is going to change the mentality of every single country in ONE, but with a little communication, we're going to try to improve our performance within our alliance, and hopefully with it the outcome that we've seen lately.

This game is circular. We're on the fightback now. In a few months, I promise you. The UK will dine in Paris. We just need to be hungry enough to do so.

Now, onto the Military, things just need to change. We need new blood. We need active commanders, units, or branches. We need people who care about the performance of their branches. We need soldiers who do the same. We need more weapons to our military, we need more coordinated damage, we need more faith in the leadership who logs on every day.

So, here's the change:

1. Re-evaluate every single member of Command.
2. Increase weapons supply. If we can't produce them, I'll buy them. Once again, I'm not the most frugal, but I care about people doing as much damage as efficiently as possible.
3. Promote membership in the UKSF, through MoHA, party involvement, and supply. It's always been a basic rule. Outsupply the parties, get more members. It's not that difficult to grasp, and the people who join actually need incentive to do so.
4. Give guns away to civilians, coordinated through Command to get them to hit the right place.
5. Follow through instead of promising something to the Military, then giving up when it has problems.
6. A 12 hour turnaround on any new player who applies to the military or less. We need to make sure our new players are accepted and assigned quickly. Not doing so costs us active players.
7. Move to supplying a Government Elite Branch only, allowing younger/newer players to be members of militias as has been discussed.

That's it. Short and sweet. No fluff. No BS. Nothing but effective, important changes that will increase our damage, ability, and communication. While I agree with the most recent changes (the ones going on) they need to be better communicated to the Military Units that they expect to take the newer players on, and we need to have an already established way to refund them for doing so.

Also, we're going to conquer the Falklands, because they're rightfully ours anyway. So brbArgentina.

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