[Time4Change]Cabinet, and a little Pillow Talk

Day 1,506, 15:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

As we all prepare to head to the voting booth tomorrow, I thought I'd prepare my final article, to let you know just who was in this fantastic rustic looking Cabinet, and what they'd be doing.

First, some mood music to start the article with.

Deputy Prime Minister: In a total shock, I'll be having HERMANO as my Deputy Prime Minister. I'm sure none of you saw that coming.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Daeres
Minister of Defence: Temujin94
Minister of Legislative Affairs: Arthur Wellesley
Minister of Home Affairs: Veruvia will handle the main role, and Dnouser will handle the mentoring programs.
Minister of Finance: Talon Kardde

As you can see, I've chosen these people because they are the best at what they do, not what they can provide me. I have always had a multitude of viewpoints and personalities in my cabinets (even jamesw at one point), and while we may not always agree, they are all hard working citizens. They will choose their own Deputies and Apprentices as well, so I'm sure that if I am victorious tomorrow they'll all be advertising shortly after.

Now, on to some pillow talk about their duties. First, I would like say that our open Cabinet channel is going to be #peace-warroom on the Rizon server. I urge anyone and everyone to join tomorrow, where you can speak to any perspective Minister, or myself (I am usually online from 5-5 Server time, or abouts) regarding the things we can in the coming months.

It's completely open. If you're a dirty forrig or showing up to troll, you'll of course be handled discreetly by an operator, however, if you have an idea you'd wish to propose, back, discuss, fellate, or do whatever with, we're entirely open with it.

Here are a few celebratory positions we'll be having as well:

Cabinet Advisors: jamesw, Emergy Maxfell
Tea Boy: kcirp
./ignore Man: Betafoxtrot
Cabinet Mistress: Smack

I would like to make clear that Smack can be used by anyone who can enter the Cabinet channel, at any time. He is a first come, first serve, equal opportunity mistress.

Now that this is out the way, let's face a few facts that we'll have to overcome in the coming months.

-Now is the time to be humble. It'd be counterproductive, silly, and otherwise rather foolish to speak of how 'awesome' our current position is and how well our occupiers have done (remember the word filter for awesome?). Now is the time to realise what our main objective is, which is to unite, and overcome the odds, both as a country, and as an alliance.

-This game is cyclical. EDEN and Terra have been wiped for almost or more than a year (can't honestly recall how long). It was simply good coordination on their part combined with ONE taking a bit of a blow in various aspects (including boredom). Romper has quit (which is about 2/3 of Croatia's damage) tanking, and Poland has already regained 4-5 regions in just over a day or so. Serbia isn't that bad off, Hungary and Macedonia will be rescued and recover, and in a month, or a few (not really sure how long it will take), we'll be dining in Paris.


-The Military will get worked out. We're already working feverishly to try and straighten out the mess of the last few days, Rampant and Legion have been awesome in stepping up, the UKRP is already working on a supply with the help of great people like Chris Kettle and Hofkens (and Titansmash helping there as well), and we're already seeing some of the effects of a more united front. In short, this will end, and it will get better.

For everyone who votes for me, I appreciate your vote of confidence. I will do my best to uphold the standards of this country. For those who choose not to, if I am victorious I hope to prove to you that I am willing to work as hard as I can to make this country great.

See you all tomorrow at the voting booth,
Presidential Candidate for the UK

And now, some music to end it with.