Day 2,611, 07:07 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988
Questions what everybody fears to ask.
Questions about difficult issues, awkward problems.
Questions which need to be answered.

The Fox News's next guest in the QUESTION TIME is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus: The Symbolist


"Wouldn't it have been better if you kept the territories occupied?"
"...there are two members from your government who said the Cypriot government wanted a war..."
"Do they really want to infringe the main condition"

"We just answered like brave eCypriots should"
"If eIsrael wants peace in the Middle East, then the ball is in the field of eIsrael"

Thank you for accepting our invitation Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The former president of Israel said in an interview in the Fox, that there were negotiation between the two country about training war, but it has been refused by the Cypriot part.

Then the Cypriot government changed their mind. In accordance with the government, the proposal of Congressman Gorgud has been accepted. It has been confirmed by some members of the Government.

Israel should react for aggression, but there were not any tool to stop the war.
What is your government position? Why did you declare war against Israel? What was in the background?

Mr. The Symbolist, the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Thanks for having me over Rufus.

The NE law was indeed proposed by Cyprus initially in what looked as just a random NE that was not going to pass, however Israel's NE was voted favorably and with an absolute majority in a much shorter timeframe. Israel's MOD confirmed that in a previous article of yours as well.

In a way, eIsrael declared war on eCyprus, we just answered like brave eCypriots should, with respect to liberty and freedom.

With all due respect Sir, it seems neither the Israeli nor the Cypriot have no single answer. I do not want to deny cypriot rights for self defence, but there are two members from your government who said the Cypriot government wanted a war, so they made it. What is your message to them?

The numbers tell a different story which is less misleading than "two members of your government" who remain unnamed. Our NE could have easily been rejected, yet it was not, because the eIsraeli NE was within a heartbeat reaching 29-1. Ours was 24-8.

Now was this a way for the eIsraeli government to test the waters in a war? Was it a gross a mistake on their side? Was it a miscommunication in eIsrael congress? I don't know, but again our actions speak louder than speculation.

Through our initiative we approached the eIsraeli government with a peace proposal that I believe satisfied everyone, even though this was a war of self-defense for us.

Regardless of who started, finally Israel has been defeated, and a peace treaty was accepted. The public from each country condemned the treaty. It is too few for Cyprus, and too much for Israel. What do you think? Wouldn't it have been better if you kept the territories occupied?

Would it have been? I do not know for sure and no one can know.

We didn't ask for earth and water, because we believe that our relations with our neighbors should simple, clean, and with dignity. We could have used our forces that got us landed in Brazil and successfully defended multiple RWs to keep eIsrael occupied for quite some time.

Our initiative for the South Eastern Mediterranean Treaty, when we mediated between Cyprus, Israel, Turkey, and Greece to settle our disputes and bring peace to this neighborhood is testament of this.
In the previous days I asked from the politicians, the following question: What are the guarantees that the conditions are fulfilled by each part. -As we all know, the treaty is about that Israel gets back their territories, and they pay 20,000 CC.-

Then in Nazareth the revolution has failed. Why do the Cypriot violate the peace treaty? Do they really want to infringe the main condition, or was it just a mistake?

What do we expect afterwards from a NAP?

I implore you to go look at the list of BHs and see for yourself if it was eCyprus who was fighting.

So you say, Cyprus is innocent.

On the fight on Nazareth? What do you think?

I will check the list. Let's go on.
Due to war the relation of two country has been estranged.In the future may these situation be the source of a permanent conflict in the Middle East? Are there any chance to solve it, and live in peace together.

We have made the first move, by liberating eIsrael completely on August and creating the South Eastern Mediterranean Agreement, and we made a second move, liberating eIsrael after a decisive victory in the field, despite disagreements from our people that we are too light.

If eIsrael wants peace in the Middle East, then the ball is in the field of eIsrael and its future governments. We have shown our willingness again and again.

It was the Question Time
Thank you very much Mr. minister.
It was a great honor for me.

Thank you as well.

Did he overcame the challange? It is up to you.
He was a a smart diplomat I give him 10/6.5

It was the Question Time with Rufus1988