[The President] A Tale of Freedom

Day 1,607, 15:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Talon Karrde
A Tale of Freedom

To my dear United Kingdom, our allies, and readers from around the globe.

Today it is my pleasure to bring to you a tale of freedom, that, after some long months of occupation we have managed to push Canada out of our regions. Less than a week ago, my government discussed our options upon my re-election. The decision to come out of that meeting was a strategy by which we could RW Canada’s non-oil regions (at the time North East of England, Yorkshire and the Humberside, North West of England and Wales), leaving them East Midlands, West Midlands and South West of England- giving them oil and a route to their capital.

This strategy was designed as a test- would Canada be satisfied to keep oil, or did they seek our total occupation? The answer came that night with a declaration of war. That, alongside some diplomacy from myself and my team, in addition to the ONE newspaper event, convinced ONE the time was right to free all our regions from Canada. With this result:

At long last, no Canada in our regions.

Thank You

At this point I would like to take the time to everyone that helped in the fight to free our regions.
First and formost, to our citizens at home and abroa😛 Thank you! A glance at the top 5’s, the BH’s, the RH’s and even some of the CH’s for the past days shows in no uncertain terms that we have been the authors of our own destiny in this venture. The amount of damage coming from UK citizens has both impressed and astonished me, and I would like to thank each of you for your determination and your resolve. The frustrations of many months have been pushed aside as we have broken the chains of yesterday, ushering in a brighter and better tomorrow.

Second, I would like to thank a group of people perhaps little known to you- save as names and avatars on the battlefield. The Exiled Patriots of Canada (EPC) have pitched in millions of damage for us in the last week, meaning that we have been able to win minibattles that we otherwise would have been unable to win. I would like to personally thank Addy Lawrence, Ralph Kline, FRITZHILL, Ethel Rosenberg, Rylde and CFovetS for their efforts on our behalf. Their help was freely given to us, and most appreciated. Their story is a complex one, based around various internal political conflicts; we wish all of Canada well in their efforts to reconcile and fix the problems in their society.

Finally I would like to thank everyone that would call us their ally. It is clear for all to see that our success goes hand in hand with the success of our alliance, ONE, and on behalf of the entire UK, and every voter that gave me this mandate, I thank you. You are fantastic allies and wonderful friends, and I am proud to have known each of you and to return the favour in fighting for your countries!

The Future- What Does It Hold?

A question at the forefront of many minds, in the UK, in Canada and in our respective alliances, will surely be ‘what’s next?’

This is a question with a lot of factors to decide it. I have been urged by ONE to teach Canada a lesson, both for the occupation and for messing with our newspaper last week- evidently they incensed some members of HQ who would like nothing more than to see Canada wiped and beated, happy to give us priority in order to accomplish this. Members of my own cabinet share this view, and urge me not to be lenient in my dealings. I am sure yet others both at home and abroad will share this view.

I, however, am a pragmatic man, and know that what goes around often comes around. You will get no calls for revenge from me. Being pragmatic, however, I know that there are two ways to end a war in eRepublik- the closure of all borders between two nations, or a peace treaty. Clearly, one of these occurrences must happen in order for our open war with Canada to be closed, and ONE have already promised support going forwards to ensure that it will be Canada, and not the UK, that would be wiped in this scenario- though of course I know this will never be as easy as simply saying it, and Canada will fight hard for their regions.

To my mind, however, this does not need to be the case, and I am happy to talk with the Canadian government if they will talk with me. Thus far this month they haven’t wished this, so I suspect the chances are that you will see us pushing and making inroads into Canada in the near future- the ball is in their court in this. Should they wish to make contact and discuss peace, my door is open!

Cabinet- The Government’s Thoughts

At this point I would like to give you some quotes from cabinet- their take on our current situation- not only on Canada but also their own plans and projects.

The Office of the Vice President:


Today we finally succeeded in removing one of our aggressors from our homeland. Congratulations to all of you for putting
in the hard work, cooperation, and resolve to help us get to this point. We have removed Canada, but we still have some Frenchies hanging about in the south. We may pause for some celebration now, but remember that our work is not done!

It is also important to mention that we did not do this alone. Our peace agreement with Ireland gave us the latitude to focus on Canada. We have also received monetary and military help from some eCanadian players that were disenchanted with their own government. Enormous help was also received from our ONE, pro-ONE, and ABC allies, so let us show our gratitude to them as well! We should be careful to look on our victory as something that was pre-ordained. We will always be in a fight to keep our lands in our own hands, but I know that together we can overcome the obstacles.

Cheers to all UKers! HAIL BRITANNIA
Roz, vCP

The Office of the Minister of Defence:

The Military has seen a considerable amount of success lately. After the humiliating (some may say school boy error) mistake by the Canadian CP in declaring war at a cost of over 320G we, with the help of ONE promptly wrestled the Initiative off of them. We have followed this up with victories both in RW’s and MPP battles which has led us to finally pushing Canada out of the eUK. Tomorrow will see us attack Newfoundland. (Their blood, their soil).

The military has been moving along nicely. We have finally settled on the new avatar for it which will go along with the rest of the reform (which will start to pick up pace over the next week).
The new avatar is being sported by:
Mo😨 Greatmoff


CP: Talon Karrde

Over time we will be rolling out customised sigs using the border for all of the troops (If you’re in the Military start thinking what you want on your avatar).

Finally a quick reminder that if you want to join the Military send a message to Me Greatmoff. \o/
Greatmoff, MoD

The Office of the Minister of Home Affairs:

MoHA has been relatively busy this term so far, mainly writing away in the offices, however, articles are being published, and more are soon to come. Activities of last month, including Prime Ministers Questions are being carried on with a few alterations to both enhance it and include a larger part of the eUK community.
The main things now coming into play will be guides and The Help Desk, all of which will push for new player support, and attempt to establish a long term structure. (which so far is going to plan)
Keeping it up to date, myself, the Minister of Home Affairs, have been putting together plans for slaves of MoHA to assist with, there is lots to do, and I assure, everything I plan, shall be accomplished no matter what.
Activeness is a target MoHA shall be addressing, even though it will be difficult in these times due to this being an A-Level exam season. Recruiting is also another issue MoHA shall be touching on, however, recruiting to the game wont be first priority, but it shall remain a constant task.

What the MoHA has been up to: (the list)
-PMQ alterations.
-The Help Desk preparations and implimentation of these alterations. (will be heavily explained in the next article)
-Following eUK activities and logging them, which will hopefully be put into a nice article and forum report for all to see.

MoHA slaves (wont give name's for whose done what just yet, cause a few peoples work are behind the scenes, aka secret stuff), which some call staff, but they're just slaves, have been working on several tasks before them, mainly being constructing parts of articles, summarising information, guides, The Help Desk foundations, and last but not least; special projects. (secret stuff, which wont be secret for too long.) You will also start to see a lot more movement from MoHA, as a lot of things are being put into place.

Lots of Love;

"We stuck 'em wid the pointy end, the canucks that is."
Apronchef, MoHA

Thank you for reading,

Talon Karrde