[STATS] Maxihellas - Lists Page Views

Day 1,514, 04:45 Published in Greece Greece by Tall_niki
Lists Page Views

Today I uploaded a new update at eRepublik Maxihellas stats website

From today you can see the page views that each created list at Maxihellas has. (image 1)

I created this in order the inactive lists to be automatically deleted from Maxihellas database.

So, if some lists haven't got any page views in the next 7 days (until 19-1-2012), then these lists will be deleted automatically .

Each list which hasn't any page view for 15 days in a row, will be deleted also automatically from maxihellas database.

Don't forget the Maxihellas forum 🙂
You can write there your opinions, your ideas, or to inform me about any bug at Maxihellas website

Happy Stat-ing 🙂