[STATS] - BATTLE HERO CALCULATOR and Maxihellas Updates 2-1-2012

Day 1,504, 08:31 Published in Greece Greece by Tall_niki



You can find the battle hero calculator here http://erep.maxihellas.com/citizens/bh-calculator.aspx

With the battle hero calculator you can calculate the damage that you can made with your available bazookas and health bars. It is a very helpful tool especially at new players

I will show you an example how it works below:

1ST STEP: Give your user name or ID
You must done this in order maxihellas to calculate the damage that you can do with Q6 weapon.

2ND STEP: Type the number of available health, bazookas and health bars
Type your available health (the health that come from food), the number of bazookas and the number of the health bars.

Just click on "Calculate" button and see how much damage you can do 😉

You can find the battle hero calculator here http://erep.maxihellas.com/citizens/bh-calculator.aspx

Enjoy 🙂

Also, today I made some other updates at Maxihellas stats website

The updates are:

1. Q6 added

a. At Biggest Influence per Fight page you can see the users with the biggest influence per fight with Q6 guns (image 1).

Image 1: Biggest Influence per Fight page

b. At user details page (e.g. At my account page) you can see the damage that your account can do with all the available weapons per fight, per 70, and per 240 fights (image 2).

Image 2: Influence at Battlefield

2. New ranks added
All the new ranks (God of war with stars) were added.

3. Gold calculation removed
The gold spend calculation was removed because with all these new features as bazookas, health bars etc, the gold estimation sometimes was way too wrong. Unfortunately, without battle API, the estimation of gold spend is impossible 🙁

The next updates:

In the next update (I think that will be ready tomorrow) I will add the 2 new medals in Maxihellas pages (Mercenary and Top Fighter Medals)

Also, new pages will be added!!!!!!

Battles API is offline over a year. That means that the damage for every user is been calculated from his Rank points.
When a user attacks with a bazooka the game don't add 1.000 rank points at his account. It adds points that are equal with an attack with a Q5 weapon.
This is the reason for some small differences between true daily damage and the damage recorded per day from Maxihellas for each user.

Also, the Increase your damage mission gives 10% more military rank points to every user that completes that mission. The day that a user completes that mission, his daily damage seemed to be huge cause of the gain of that mission. Hopefully this problem won't exist after day 1505 that this mission ends.

Happy Stat-ing 🙂