[Statistics] All Countries Markets Analysis Week 13

Day 1,598, 02:32 Published in Portugal Portugal by jotapelx


Today I'm finishing the analysis for this week series with the market ranking. After the series of data from the marker-watch I was able to gather some consistent information regarding our markets, by country and from that I can extrapolate to the Alliances. I've tried to retrieve the data everyday at around 2:00 (eRepublik Time). Sometimes it was a bit earlier, and sometimes a bit later (it is dependent of my RL work).

We will look into the Market Ranking by country. We will look into the average best prices for each Alliance and Big Alliance. And in the end we will look into the evolution of those prices by each Alliance. All values are net without VAT, or income tax for the jobs market.

Since the countries in each alliance are not really homogeneous I've tried to create a more meaningful aggregation by population size:
-Large Countries with an Active Population bigger than 4000;
-Medium Countries with an Active Population between 1000 and 4000;
-Small Countries with an Active Population lower than 1000

With that aggregation I'm able to actually make more meaningful comparisons, and since I'm Portuguese, I'll compare the evolution of prices for Portugal, Germany, France and Ireland (the eRepublik Commonwealth, not the RL one), the good thing of this comparison is that you have France as a Large Country, Portugal and Germany as a Medium Country and Ireland as a Small Country, which allows us a better reading of the data. If you wish your country to be part of this ranking, let me know and I'll try to add a new article with those timelines (depending on the number of requests, of course)

The baseline data of these statistics is from day 1594, 03:00. But the markets data is from day 1588 until day 1595 at around 2:00 (eRepublik Time)

The ranking is described in this article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-statistics-country-markets-analysis-week-12-1994779/1/20

[Edited] Import Weapons tax fixed.

In the next charts we will look into the data by each Alliance and by Country Size for each market.

The following chart is the average value for each alliance concerning Food Raw Material:

By Big Alliances we have:

By Size we have:

The timeline evolution of prices for each Alliance:

The timeline evolution of prices aggregated by Country Size and the Commonwealth Countries in the backgroun😛

The following chart is the average value for each alliance concerning Weapons Raw Material:

By Big Alliances we have:

By Size we have:

The timeline evolution of prices for each Alliance:

The timeline evolution of prices aggregated by Country Size and the Commonwealth Countries in the backgroun😛

The following chart is the average value for each alliance concerning Weapons Q5:

By Big Alliances we have:

By Size we have:

The timeline evolution of prices for each Alliance:

The timeline evolution of prices aggregated by Country Size and the Commonwealth Countries in the backgroun😛

The following chart is the average value for each alliance concerning Weapons Q6:

By Big Alliances we have:

By Size we have:

The timeline evolution of prices for each Alliance:

The timeline evolution of prices aggregated by Country Size and the Commonwealth Countries in the backgroun😛

The following chart is the average value for each alliance concerning Jobs Salary:

By Big Alliances we have:

By Size we have:

The timeline evolution of prices for each Alliance:

The timeline evolution of prices aggregated by Country Size and the Commonwealth Countries in the backgroun😛

And that's it for this week analysis. The next articles will be related with the Presidential Elections, and a comparison between taxes around the eWorld.

As always, in order for this information to reach a wider audience, please vote, subscribe and shout this article.

Best Regards,


PS: I'm proud to say that this newspaper has a Hungarian translation in http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/kongresszusi-statisztik-aacute-k-1980790/1/20
and a Chinese translation in http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-no-4-1-1988582/1/20 .