[SHIELD] Molly Emma for President, SHIELD Staff, Join Us!

Day 2,387, 15:21 Published in USA USA by wookyjack

Day 2,387; SHIELD Headquarters, New York City, New York, USA

Welcome to this Federalist political party and SHIELD Military Unit. I hope you have a good time. Before you begin lurking around, the eWorld can be a difficult and a harsh place for a new player. Taking this into consideration, the Federalist Party prepared you a welcoming center with a list of tutorials you can use as well as government programs in order to help you succeed and understand the game. Also, SHIELD welcomes you to the fight amid an eWorld stricken with ongoing battles, wars and alliances that are always evolving.

What is SHIELD?

SHIELD is the Federalist Party's Proud & Horny Military Unit! How do we continue this level of awesomeness you may ask? With the help of soldiers and would be soldiers like you! SHIELD is currently recruiting anyone and everyone that would like to be a member of an elite fraternity of brothers and sisters. You will be supplied daily with Tanks and Food to fight the good fight for the USA and her allies. FREE STUFF? Start today! Join SHIELD now. Send its Commanding Officer (CO) WookyJack a private message to say hello!
Request SHIELD access now!

Today’s S.H.I.E.L.D. News!

1 | ME4PotUS
2 | Staff
3 | Joint Strike
4 | Join SHIELD, work, and get supplied with Q7 tanks and 1000 energy!

1 | Re-Elect Molly Emma 4 POTUS

If you have been watching the news the past week the eUSA separated from the alliance known as Sirius. This was huge. Molly Emma remained steadfast and dedicated to eUSA during this transition because she is currently playing cleanup to a situation gone awry. WookyJack, what are you talking about? Read this.

Country Presidential elections are on June 5th, 2014. There is a very respectable challenger. Its no secret John Largo is a phenomenal candidate and an American Hero. But the situation currently needs more time to lick the wounds of a Foreign Affairs debacle.

SHIELD endorses Molly Emma for Country President. Why should you vote for her?

- She is dedicated to the country’s priorities.
- She doesn’t consider problems inherited, but owns up to them and strives to make them better.
- She had a phenomenal May Country Presidency.
- She has a stellar staff who guards this eNation day/night.
- She plans to move on from Sirius and seek out new opportunities.
And last but not least…

Despite her obligation as Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces (USAF), she will always be a member of SHIELD.

’Nuff said.

2 | SHIELD Staff

Since my inception to CO of SHIELD I have been working each day to put together a phenomenal staff for the Military Unit. And I am Proud & Horny enough to say we’ve finally done it! Here are your current SHIELD staff and command!

CO - WookyJack
XO over Operations - crashthompson
XO over Personnel - Twisted-Pixel

QMG - Apollo221
QM Staffer - Sniper80
QM Staffer - Mazzy_Cat
QM Staffer - CuppyCakeYums

Pizza Delivery Guy: Sle7en
Sometimes, Fireman Guy: Sle7en

Communications Officer - BamaBettie

MEPS Officer (Military Entrance Processing Station) - nickbergman
MEPS NCO - Stocky Jabberwocky

SHIELD Officer - Recruitment Officer - BamaBettie
Recruitment NCO - nickbergman
Recruitment Staffer - Stocky Jabberwocky

SHIELD has jobs for all Agents of SHIELD!

Apply here and send WookyJack a private message!

3 | Joint Strike

This past Sunday SHIELD forces deployed to a couple locations in Eastern Europe with its fellow Military Units VMA-214 and Easy Company. Details are stilling coming in from the explosive battle that took place on the other side of the world. Keep an eye out for the war narrative!

4 | What does SHIELD have to offer me?

More free stuff for our other SHIELD fighters!

Starting with day 1973, SHIELD began doing a daily series of announcements known as 'Daily Briefing and Supply Drop.' This announcement combined the standard briefing given to most military unit soldiers with supply requests. SHIELD soldiers would post in the thread their name, link, whether they completed the daily orders, and what they were requesting: food, weapons, or both. A Quartermaster would then supply the soldier.

SHIELD has consistently provided supplies to its members for over 400 days. That is over 40,000 Q7 tanks* and over 6,000,000 food (energy)* it has supplied to its members.

What are the requirements?

1st | You need to register on the Federalist Forum.
Request Fed and SHIELD access by creating a New Topic and Introduce yourself.
Post your profile link in eRepublik.

2nd | You need a uniform. Once you are granted access to the SHIELD subForum you can request a uniform here - http://fedparty.forumotion.com/f32-uniform-requests

3rd | You need to join the SHIELD Commune. This is where we make tanks, food, other stuff in order to fund the MU, as well as the HAMMER program. You can find a commune job with CrashThompson somewhere around here - http://www.erepublik.com/en/economy/job-market/24/86 If you don't see it on that page, scroll up five or so and down five or so. The job offer pays 1.05cc. I know lots! Remember, you work for HAMMER gold and for supplies not country currency (CC).

4th | You must follow Daily Orders on the Fed Forum and vote the Department of Defense (DoD) Citizen Orders. http://www.erepublik.com/en/newspaper/dod-orders-194506/1
And obviously never fight against eUSA and her allies.

We hope you join us for fun as well as the free stuff!

*estimated number. This number is representative of at least a minimum of total supplies dropped. The actual number could be much higher.

twisted-pixel | Executive Officers | crashthompson

WookyJack | Commanding Officer
Brothers & Sisters, never shall innocent blood be shed.
Yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river.

Join us on IRC via Rizon: http://proudhorny.us/SHIELD and say hello!

IRC, what is that? by the Department of Education
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