[SC]Hello Bulgaria

Day 1,611, 09:08 Published in Bulgaria Hungary by IV. HUpakolas

So hello there Bulgaria.Today i arrived to this country and settled here.I joined the Guardians MU because of my old 'friend' Spresko.I hope they will accept me as their comrade.

I was MoD of eHungary till yesterday evening.I resigned because of internel governamental affairs.So i am not a TEDEN spy.I just want to start a new elife in Bulgaria.

Having regard to the latest bulgarian babyboom i just want to help your new players with some food.

Every bulgarian citizen under Colonel rank will receive 20 q5 food from me after they posted a comment under my article.
UPDATE: Its over i sent 1000 q5 food to the newcomers see you next time.


p.s. i hope Romper wont report me because of account sale 😶