[SC] Erep Wars Episode V: The ONEpire strikes back.

Day 1,330, 07:16 Published in Hungary Hungary by IV. HUpakolas

Hello my fellow comrades of ONE army.As i mentioned in my last article EW Ep IV., we will fight back for the mass rw wave started by TERRA and EDEN.Finally the armies of the VII. Hungarian Empire arrived at the coast of China.Our guns are in positions our troops are eager to fight.Lets destroy the last citadel of EDEN.

The invasion started, the assault troops of hungarian army landed near Shanghai , and started to advance into the dirt.Meanwhile the chinese underground forces opened a resistance war for distraction in Kyushu .The first wave of the invading forces built a bridgehead on the coast of Shanghai region, and waiting for the infantry.

After the serbian troops reestablished their main frontline base at Lionking, they captured the border region of Jilin and prepared the siege of the chinese capital Beijing.Only allied troops of EDEN try to withdraw the ONE assault, chinese army advancing against the hungarians.
update: manchu rebels started an RW in Lionking and Urals.

The Mighty Empire of Poland moving against the Alaskaian oil fields, also fighting with Canada for Ontario.The TERRA troops disappeared, only local partisans disturbing the polish army on their march.

Imperio Espanol continue the pursuit against Brozil tribes, they think they can hide in the jungles of Northeast of Brazil .Also rebbelion started in Virginia(USA) and Southeast of Brazil(BR) , in this battle the natives suprized the local garrison, but spanish regular troops are on their way to aid them.

Our ottoman brothers has a very hard day.The battle of Plovdiv is very bloody against the bulgarian army supported by romanian tanks.Eden armies liberated Varna while russians did the same in Central Black Earth .Now two new rw started in Sofia and North Caucasus.

Further updates will come, if some new battles starting today.

p.s. we dont believe in DIO we are AT-heist :3

Built in wrong side of China 😃