[SC]EDEN way

Day 1,464, 13:53 Published in Poland Hungary by IV. HUpakolas

UPDATE: From this article you can read more about the recent hacking events

EDEN and romanians doesnt have honor.Even they know about the hacking situation keep tanking in Brcko District.Dear community manager tha_mihai may i ask you that resolve the problem insted of tanking in the serbian RW?

Or this is a cooperation between hackers and romanian tanks amvlad,butnaru and others?The eRepublik team know about the account hacking?I really hope not.

You can see these pictures that prominent members of the hungarian society fighting against Serbia, using all of their gold,energy bars and bazookas causing them financial damage.Szempy is a goldbuyer, he bought his gold with irl money and hackers use that money.This is stealing.

EDEN cannot win without cheating,hacking,hitboosters...such a loser alliance.

Kispisti former hungarian president also hacked...

Szempy spending irl money and hackers using it...

aw3som3 changed his password before its too late...

the_community manager tanking with hackers...

I remember when last summer phanis hacked the game they give 800 gold to romanians and teo.andrei the romanian president laughted in irc who they tanked against us with our own money, some things never change.

p.s. delete every single erep script from your browser and change password ASAP or i kill this dog ^o_o^