[Rylde-DMV3] Two Are Better Than 2.0

Day 2,510, 19:28 Published in Canada Canada by Xander Kross

This election reminds me of a time not so long ago.

We had a CP who was a Foreign Affairs wunderkind. Such a fine diplomat, he managed to convince his own country it was preferable to let our enemies have free reign over us, and he managed to convey the spirit of obsequiousness and toadyism so well that it became our national identity.

This fine, Presidential specimen of a man was also critical of the "reckless warmongers" who dared to stand up to foreign menaces. Clearly, he informed us, these people had no love for eCanada and were set on a course of utter and total devastation. They could not possibly be trusted with leadership!

And when we came out from under the yoke of his oppressive boredom, destruction is more or less exactly what happened. The world changed the following month, and eCanada was so restless and twitchy after months of playing nice and pretending to be polite that we did something stupid.

Of course you all know that paragon of swarthy sexual charisma of whom I speak...

My first crush ENEMY.

The aftermath of Oinyo's regime of well-intentioned, diplomatic deal-making was a self-destructive war with eUK that resulted in a 3-pronged wipe, which eventually led to a prolonged occupation by our southern neighbours.

It's easy to point fingers and say "well, this man was CP at the time, and this person from that party pushed yon button, and that's what caused all our problems for months!" But the fact is, when that button got pushed, it went to a Congressional vote. And Congress voted it in. eCanada wanted that war. Not just one party, or one person, but all the people who voted YES to that war. That lulzy, fun and ultimately self-destructive war.

And why did we want that war, you ask? Surely it was a dumb move to pull when alliances were shifting, and hindsight tells us we ought to have instead sat on our hands for four more weeks and worked things out with our neighbours and friends!

We wanted that war because sitting on our hands, under Oinyo's banner of friendly, cautious diplomacy, was all we had been doing for months. Political in-fighting was vicious and brutal. We were slavering to fight enemies other than ourselves, which is what happens in eCanada when we are told to sit down, shut up and play nice by our boring, cautious CPs.

Oinyo Dozzer Oinyo

TheSmoke has had an excellent term. The reason for this: FYROM's airstrike and Chile's planned invasion. We fought them off like angry wolverines, and then continued to chase Chile all the hell the way out of Europe. All of which was funded - at least in part - by one particular "reckless warmonger's" War Machine.

Fortunately, during this election we are not coming out of a long, oppressive Oinyo-like reign of tense "sit there and be nice" diplomatic stagnation. TheSmoke should be congratulated for the things he and his cabinet accomplished this term because of that. But if we elect Dozzer_x as our next CP, we are heading directly into one. And that is where trouble begins brewing.

Dozzer is not a terrible fellow. I like to bust Dozzer's chops and argue with him, and I agreed to serve on his silly over-staffed cabinet should he manage to win. He's not a bad guy for a dirty communist hippie. But as a CP, he is Oinyo 2.0.

To the best of my knowledge, he has not responded to Spanish arrogance and dismissiveness by promising to help them with their French homework or making them a YouTube video. To the best of my knowledge, Dozzer has never once made an instructional video on how to make tactical combat pillows. But in terms of policy and anti-war fearmongering, all I see is echoes of Oinyo.

Rylde and DMV3

Can we expect Rylde to be a reckless lunatic charging madly into the fray with no hope of victory or recovery? I do not believe this is the case. Rylde is a leader, and one who makes rational, measured decisions (not always, thank the gods, but often enough) and understands risk. The arrangement between Rylde and McVicker is a good example of Rylde's ability to be reasonable and address what some perceive as a "weakness." We can expect Rylde to be Rylde, and that is one thing he is very, very good at doing.

As for McVicker... my history with him is a matter of public record. We will never be "best bros," because he is an ego-maniac and I have no wish to join his little cult of personality and drink the Kool-Aid. Is he a PTOer? Well, if he is, he was already CP twice, and once before that, so either we are PTOed now and do not realize it, or he is not a PTOer. Probably.

My opinion of him has evolved over the past few months, as we have landed on the same side of a number of issues. I have seen him wield authority in a serious, tough-but-fair manner. He hates hippies nearly as much as I do - he may even claim he hates them more, but he's wrong. And I know he has a long list of international contacts and friends in important places, and has a good head for running Foreign Affairs. The eAmericans will tell their own version of the story for some time to come, but we in eCanada watched as McVicker talked them into walking away from a months-long occupation, with no promises and nothing to show for it but a depleted treasury and tarnished international reputation. That is a thing that happened, and McVicker is the one who made it happen.

Rylde-DMV3. YEAH!

Rylde is going to be Rylde. McVicker is going to be McVicker. The eWorld is going to sit up and take notice, and eCanada is going to move forward into the future with strength, swagger and two swinging pairs of massive brass balls.

Vote Rylde-DMV3. Not Oinyo 2.0.