[Royal Navy] Load The Cannons!

Day 1,846, 10:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Garth Lidlington

ohai there!

Whether you are in the Navy, or simply looking for another MU its always nice to be kept completely up to date! Here are just a few scheme's and activities that are already at hand to sailors serving in the Royal Navy!

Strike Sunday

Possibly our best feature of the Navy has to be Strike Sundays! Happening between 3pm - 7pm every week sailors have the chance to come along and hit in a co-ordinated strike session, with food and tank supplies readily available to everyone that attends! Haven't been to a strike before? you can access our IRC Channel directly through this link! -



There are plenty of spaces available to join the Navy work communes, Simply work for one of our Suppliers and you can be entitled to receiving 10 Q7 weapons daily! We do not turn away sailors who are active and willing to fight, no matter what political background they are from!

The Activity Bonus Scheme

The activity bonus scheme has recently been introduced to the Navy. Any young sailor under General *** who fights for 5 days on the trot is entitled for a bonus supply package for their efforts! You can find out more information from this article - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-royal-navy-activeness-is-awesomeness-2164824/1/20

Like what you see? then now is a good time to come along and sign up to the Royal Navy!

the seas are waiting
