[RN] Weekly Strike - Day 2,518

Day 2,518, 14:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Royal Navy
Royal Navy Weekly Strike Day 2,518

According to the logged damage 23 sailors turned up for this week's strike:

NB: If you don't post your damage, you won't get a strike kit the following week.

Total Damage: 123,693,516

Hollenboer, took the honours this week!

Top Damage in Division 4: Hollenboer

2nd Damage in Division 4: Evil Doctor

3rd Damage in Division 4: Neil Lewis

Top Damage in Division 3: SDanny

2nd Damage in Division 3: Paul Bates

3rd Damage in Division 3: Massacar

Top Damage in Division 2: Wyatt Earp 74

2nd Damage in Division 2: Alan2210

3rd Damage in Division 2: Nights0ul

Top Damage in Division 1: Watt Tyler

2nd Damage in Division 1: Sir Jimmy Saville

3rd Damage in Division 1: Lady Patricia

Attendance analysis:

Attendance by Division:

Attendance by Regiment:

Regt x topped the attendance chart! Well done guys!!!

By Neil Lewis
Royal Navy
Regiment 6 [HMS Ark Royal]

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