[Presidential Statement] Vote Of Thanks

Day 778, 04:45 Published in USA Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Dear eAmericans,

Today (once again) ad nauseum, we witnessed yet another MAFIA attack. This time they were more determined than ever to take over presidentship. A true measure of friends is when they come to help you when its most needed and our old friends Seal team 6 rose to the fore followed shortly by the CAF and Josh Frost.

My thanks and humble gratitude go out to all the eAmericans who volunteered (and I had a whole host of messages from guys I had never known, but who ventured out to help India stave off the PTO)

eIndia salutes the eUSA for their efforts and for standing by us. Hope it will not be needed again, but if it does, we can rest assured, we have a friend who will come to our aid : )

I will be writing daily articles during my tenure that will reflect our current and future stance and objectives. Its just my first day and its overwhelming, so for now, my first job of the day is to writea short and heartfelt vote of thanks ! 🙂



President eIndia.