[President] We're releasing Mecklenburg (Strid inte i Mecklenburg!)

Day 1,204, 03:58 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
Today, we're going to release Mecklenburg to German resistance forces. We have no use for that region and as a sign of good will and sportsmanship, we'll simply give it back now.

This is the first phase in our plan to turn things around in Northern Europe and explore new friendships between us and our neighbors. Before everyone starts yelling about the old times and our never-ending wars against Germans, I'd like you to hear me out...

When admins changed the raw materials, we lost the grain we had fought for so long and hard to obtain. All of a sudden, Germany had no grain at all, from having been the grain paradise in Europe during V1 and Rising.

This also changed the benefits for us to keep warring each other. Germans and Swedes spring from a similar culture of calm, diplomatic behavior and a minor obsession with order. It's no surprise that we find ourselves in a similar situation in this game; neither country have any real enemies, but by lacking these "fueled" conflicts, we're struggling to find ways of motivating our people and increase our population rapidly. Sweden was at its peak when they fought the holy war against Pakistan. Today, the focus lies elesewhere. Everything in this world depends on constant war; if you're in a permanent state of conflict, you'll also remain in the limelight.

Germany must find new ways to move ahead and adapt to the new rules, as do we.

I'm positive that both nations stand a better chance of evolving by helping eachother out rather than the contrary. Building new friendships is every bit as important as finding new conflicts.


Best Regards,

President of Sweden
High-Commander of Homonavia