[President] Time for some action...

Day 1,170, 17:40 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
Yesterday, I was about to release an extensive article explaining what's been going on lately and what the status is within the various departments. However, tonight, I decided to declare Lithuania as our Natural Enemy instead.

First of all, let me apologize for keeping you waiting. I know that the last month has been somewhat boring. But good tacticians rely on extensive research, intel and careful planning. Orders should always be carried out swiftly, but not given until the timing is right.

Now is the time.

We've never had a reason to fight against Lithuania and I believe that feeling is mutual. However, the new raw materials and borders created a different strategic layout of the world map. Suddenly, our grain region became useless and we no longer have any reason to fight against Germany. Instead, all the grain ended up in Lithuania and ironically, a new border was soon in place as well.

Although we're clearly outnumbered in this fight, I never want to see us backing down from a fight because the opponent side seems superior at first glance. We might not be as many, but some of us have been around since the break of dawn and others have carried on with their legacy... making our spearheads some of the sharpest in the world.

We do this because we all need to have fun, and I truly believe this to be the best way for both Swedes and Lithuanians to get some fun out of their game.

Now you've been given the war you've asked for. This was the first step, but the journey is far from over. In fact - it only just begun.

Yours eternally,

President of Sweden
High Commander of Homonavia