[President] The Swedish Government

Day 1,144, 19:33 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
This announcement is 1-2 days overdue. For that, I apologize.
Now... let's get down to business, shall we?

President - Valnad
Vice President - pafepo
Minister of Foreign Affairs - vingaer

Minister of Defense - Bic deWille
Vice Minister of Defense - Lidskjalf
Commander of The Swedish Military - Mr_W
Recruiter - Kongo Ogbi

Minister of Finance - Ghinsberg
Vice Minister of Finance - intyala
Treasurer - Crazyfrog11

Minister of Education - Johannes Svaerd


These are all the officials that have been decided so far.

(i'll let you guess who is who...)

There are obviously several names added to the various departments, but I won't list all the advisors, trainees and such. However, as I'm currently reviewing some of the currently unused departments, there might soon be a few more names added to that list.

With hopes of a even brighter future,
