[President] The Government in eSweden Dec 2010

Day 1,113, 17:49 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
(This article will be in english, as will all future articles from this newspaper. If you need something translated to Swedish, send me a pm.)

First of all, let me start by thanking the Swedish people for once again giving me the confidence to rule this wonderful nation - I managed to get the majority of the votes, which makes me feel very honored! I shall not let you down.

This is the eSwedish government during December:

President: Valnad
Vice President: St00r

Minister of Finance: Yossi Ghinsberg
Governor of the National Bank: Crazyfrog11
Board of advisors: St00r, Valnad, intyala, Kapitalisten (trainee)

Minister of Defense: Bic deWille
Vice Minister of Defense: Lidskjalf
Commander of The Swedish Military: Mr_W

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Lonestar

Press Secretary: w3st3rb3rg

Ministry of Education: applications are still open!

Janitor: Lobbanet II

I am not famous for handing out titles to left and right.
This is because I believe in a system with few but competent leaders, who assign teams that work well together and where the chemistry between the members is 200%.

As you may have noticed, our beloved MoFA vingaer is no longer with us this term.

She’s on a holy quest to save our ally Poland and her request for maternity leave has been granted until next year. Our former commander, Lonestar, will step in to run the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in her absense. He will assign a team of co-workers and if you think you’ve got what it takes to work within our intelligence service, don’t hesitate to drop him a PM.

The Ministry of Education is the heart and soul of our future eSweden. I hope to see an increased activity here during december and applications are open throughout the whole month, for those who might be interested in doing some hard, unselfish work for our newbies and the community as a whole. If you like to help others, if you like doing tutorials, if you like mentoring new players... this is the perfect place for you. I will put much effort into helping this team deliver new guides etc this month. Once upon a time, a guy named St00r put a new player named ThomasP87 in charge for the MoE. That new player was later on a big inspiration for yours truly, and one of the single most important reasons why I sticked around in this game. Who will become our next ThomasP87?

Last, but not least, I have assigned a few new roles that weren’t in the government last month.

I’d like you all to give a warm welcome back to St00r, who needs to further introduction. With him (and the others) by my side, I aim to achieve great things during this term.

There’s also a Press Secretary now! w3st3rb3rg will be assigned to help us out with releasing articles from SSI and giving “ordinary people” frequent updates on what’s going in in the Oval Office.

Our Janitor, Lobbanet II, will help us out whereever and whenever help is needed. He's the guy that will do lots of good stuff this month, the kind of stuff which most of us will overlook. He is without a doubt one of the most loyal eSwedes I know, despite his unorthodox ways, and if we had been better at co-operation and not as gifted when it comes to fighting each other, it wouldn't even be needed for me to explain this.

Let us all join together in bringing out the best this country has to offer and end this year with a BANG!

Yours sincerely,

The 15th President of eSweden