[President] Swedish Government Feb-Mar 2011

Day 1,180, 13:08 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
Better late than never?

This article will officially announce this months government in Sweden. Let me start off by killing a persistent rumor:

We welcome new players to apply for government positions. eSweden was not built in one day and in order to keep this country rolling we're going to need some new and hungry players who dare to step forward and show me and everyone else that they mean business. We also need to strengthen our presence on IRC and by that I mean the Rizon network. Anyone who has an interest in diplomacy and who can log some daily IRC-time should feel encouraged to search a position - especially within Foreign Affairs, where we're going to need both leaders, embassy personnel and trainees.

Every now and then, lighting strikes a community and a future leader is born.

This might not happen as often as we would prefer, but it is nonetheless important for us to keep our eyes and ears open... so that we're actually around during such moments.

With that being said, let's get down to business.

These are the members of my cabinet February - March 2011.

President - Valnad
Vice President - shoot

Minister of Defense - Mr_W
Vice Minister of Defense - Lidskjalf
Commander of The Swedish Army - shoot

Minister of Finance - Yossi Ghinsberg
Vice Minister of Finance - intyala
Treasurer - Crazyfrog11
Assistant - pho3nix

Minister of Foreign Affairs - yet to be decided
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs - Sizzla
Assistant - Gustav Beringer

Minister of Education - Johannes Svaerd
Vice Minister of Education - Julius Mann


These ministers are free to recruit more members to their departments. I have deliberately avoided to list the names of every assistant, advisor etc. However, since both Gustav Beringer and pho3nix are completely new to the government, I took this opportunity to welcome them aboard.

Now, if you please excuse me, I shall tend to a mild case of weekend migraine :/

Yours truly,

President of eSweden
High Commander of Homonavia