[President] Swedens awesomeness and Valnads manifesto

Day 1,109, 16:24 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
(This article will be in english, as will all future articles from this newspaper. If you need something translated to Swedish, send me a pm.)

To the Citizens of eSweden and our Scandinavian brothers and sisters,

I will run for a second consecutive term as president of eSweden. In this article I will describe why this country is awesome, what has happened during my presidency and what will happen if I get re-elected.

Why is Sweden so awesome?

I believe that a nation's awesomeness can be measured by googling it. For example, this is what you get when you google danish and this is what you get when you google Turkey. Both are obviously 100% accurate. Now, try googling swedish. For great justice.

(I rest my case.)

Nearly a month has passed since I begun my first term as eSwedens 15th president.

Much has happened during that time. Despite having worked several months in both our congress and government before, this journey has been something completely different. I think we've showed both our antagonists and protagonists that much can be done by small means, if you just put your mind to it and refuse to give up. Looking back at where we were before 5/11, I feel that it could just as easily have been 6 months ago.

* We invaded and secured High grain in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg.
* We defended ourselves from several assaults against both Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and SH-H.
* We managed to increase our population by almost 20%.
* We received several new MPPs, enabling our population to fight in wars and help our allies on a daily basis - breaking the siege that had given us almost no wars for several months!
* The state finances are now in better than shape than they've been since early V1 (well more than a year ago)

As you will see during the day of the election, all the goals that I set up for this country have been fulfilled. You will also notice that I've set new goals for my next candidacy - bold, daring goals. But I truly believe that we will be able to acomplish them if we decide to set our differences aside and work together.

(... just a quick reminder.)

The eWorld is constantly on the move.

Nowadays, admins change the rules every month and it isn't easy for a small country like ours to coupe with the sudden (and often major) changes to the economy and war module. But we're survivors. We'll show the outside world that even though we do not cheat, even though we use no bot farms and even though we may not have the easiest way of gaining new resources and competing with major countries such as the USA, we take pride in what we do and we do it with perfection.

In order to continue to bring our nation forward, there are certain things that we must do during december. These are the things I aim to achieve if I get re-electe😛

* Increase our population by at least another 20% through active warfare and more advertising.
* Improve our diplomatic relations towards trustworthy and loyal allies.
* Gain a few more resource regions(preferably oil and grain, if possible).
* Increase our gold and SEK revenues even further.
* Establish a low-maintenance army structure, with the help of the Military HQ.
* Gather the Scandinavian presidents for a summit, where we discuss how to improve our co-operation now that our regions have changed so much.
* Raise the funds to enable us to sign a MPP with our brothers ans sisters in Finland.
* Continue to bring feedback from our community to the admins, making sure that they do not overlook us when making further changes to the game.
* Bring forth new educational and tutorial material, with the help of our Ministry of Education (Utbildningsverket)
* Become even sexier.
* ...and plenty more.

There will also be more information coming out from the SSI newspaper, both from the government work and reports of what's going on in the congress.

Considering what we've accomplished together during the last four weeks, I'm satisfied with the outcome of my first presidential term. Perhaps one ought to quit while being on top, but I truly feel that there's more to give and hopefully you will allow me to prove that this month wasn't just a lucky exception... but rather the beginning of a new era in eSweden.

The time has come for us to leave our winter slumber and seize the challenges that lay ahead of us.

For eSweden.


Your president,