[PRESIDENT] Indo-Pak War : Some Important Points To Note

Day 799, 01:11 Published in India Serbia by Ind1anMartyr

Hi guys,

Its now been quite a few hours since we threw the gauntlet and things at the moment seem slightly tilted in our favour. However I would like to remind you of some simple stuff..

We have pushed the wall down into the underground and how we proceed further is very very important.

NWFP is not one of the vital provinces and we need to conserve our finances and gold for the next battle. SO, i would request citizens to :

1. Hold Fire till the last hour of battle if you can.

2. Check the wall and if it is around the -50000 mark, then please do not over spend or over extend yourselves. Conserve weapons and money.

3. Make sure you end the fights on 90+ wellness. This is very very important as the next few regions are going to be much more difficult to conquer and would require stronger assault.

4. Move to Govt. weapons companies if you have good skill. We will arrange for managers to be online round the clock to hire and fire people so we can make guns at a rapid pace. (Please check forum for more details to be posted in the evening India time)

Do remember that India is a small nation and we do not have huge stocks of gold. Our reseres are running low and it requires each an everyone of us to help out to sustain the war effort.

Lastly, any and all donations are more than welcome. Please donate to the Indian Treasury and help the war effort.

Thank you very much and lets hope we achieve what we have set out to do!