[President] Four victories and victory for the fourth time

Day 1,174, 14:31 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
Today, Swedes decided to stop playing around. We fought and won 4 wars against Lithuania and Estonia... and the result was a whopping 32 victories against 1.

Meanwhile, I secured the fourth consecutive term as President of eSweden by claiming 70% of the votes. This month will be spent doing something quite different from last month: first of all we have a war to fight!

We have to stand up for one another and show the outside world, once again, that Sweden is a country of kickass. We need not insult our enemies, this war is for fun and hopefully our enemies will feel the same way we do: new, fresh wars against new and more interesting resistance.

There will be a few changes in the government for this term...

All things have not been entirely decided yet and if there are new and hungry players out there who wants to invest some time into learning the tools of the trade and do work for the government, my door will be open throughout the whole month. This world needs new, fresh thoughts and this country is not an exception.

Having said that, most of the ministers will stay in place, given the fact that they've so far done an excellent job and I feel confident that together with them and your support, I will be able to lead us to new victories.

Yours eternally,

President of Sweden
High Commander of Homonavia