[President] A close but dissapointing loss and Estonians are incoming...

Day 1,173, 09:46 Published in Sweden Sweden by Valnad
Yesterday we fought an interesting battle against Lithuania. After having taken the lead with 4-0 during the night, Lithuanians started to hire mercenaries and burn gold.

They did it well and although we did what we could, with no where near the budget they spent on the last 8 battles, we unfortunately had to give up the region after Batalgazi along with some others started to tank away hundreds of gold per battle.

We expected to run into fierce resistance and Lithuania gave us a good fight. I won't comment why or how we managed to lose a lead in 8 straight battles the last minute (all "losses" ended with >1% difference) but like I sai😛 the enemy did it well and we should salute them for giving us a close and entertaining battle.

Estonia joins in

After having gotten a free pass through Latvia, we're now getting a visit from Estonians. I have been in discussions with EDEN and representatives of Finland regarding this matter and although I might not be the most popular guy in Finland right now (due to some personal matters that I'm trying to resolve), I think that they understand our predicament and hopefully we will recieve some much needed assistance from the brotherhood.

So what happens next?

Obviously, we're in for some heavy struggles against unfamiliar resistance. Lithuania and Sweden had not clashed together before yesterday and we haven't sized up Estonians eiher. It is unknown what they try to achieve with declaring us their Natural Enemy, but it is likely that they will try to seize the opportunity together with Lithuania.

Those who did not fight yesterday will have all the more reason to do so during the next couple of days.

I would also like to personally thank Poland and everyone else fron other nations who stood by our side yesterday. Although we lost, we dared to go up against a substantially stronger foe and fortune favors the brave...

Let's join together and show the world once again what we're truly made of.

Yours eternally,

President of Sweden
High Commander of Homonavia