Day 2,610, 09:04 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988
What do the Israeli parties represent?

I had asked them to answer some question, but they did not respond substantively to request. (except Admiral General Mickey)

Their leaders, officers, and candidates as well would have been more active if there were an election in our country. It seems the congress seats are more important than the value-based representation.
I am outraged by this attitude. Are our parties just power centers without any policy? Do our politicians live without any future vision?

It is absoultelly unacceptable.

Can they represent us? Can they work for us? Can they lead the country to the future?

No.No.No. (by Maggie)

It has to be changed as soon as possible. Every single day we must ask about their plans, their visions and the silence should not be tolerated at all.
John Rupert Miranda the former president of Israel, and the future PP of Israeli Reform Party urged to make policy after his election.

I hope, every party leader will follow the practice.

It was the questionnaire:

Dear Mr. President,
I am writing from Desert Fox News,
I make a summary about the Israeli parties, and I hope you can help me with answering some question.

1) Who does the party represents?

2) What is the main objective of your party?

3) What do your congressmen do for achieve the goals?

4) What are your fundamental principles?

5) What are the three most important points of your program which you want to work for in the next term?


A) Being a member in Leto, is absolutely good for our country.

B ) The Minister of Finance should give subvention to the domestic companies.

C) The Minister of Social Affairs should support the training ground upgrades.

D) The work tax is too high.

E) We should defend our economy with high customs.

F) If there is a chance, we should occupy the whole middle-east.

G) Support the newbie with CC, or Gold is just waste of money, we do not know, how long he will play.

H) The rich should give more to the community.

I) The governments do not given enough time to inform the citizens.