[MoFA][Important] About CS request IV

Day 1,317, 23:48 Published in China China by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN



(上一篇報紙由另一位外長nevvven 提供的名單依然生效。)

huyue, RemiliaYuki, Pierre Finse, Amos Ozil 及 Gary Mak (副議長)


The Congress has approved a new mechanism to approve citizenship. In short,

A. General
1. Unless the content are modified by MoFA or Head of Congress, these rules should not be changed when the new CP / cabinet are in charge.
2. Congressmen should maintain the reporting system in 178 forum. Please refer to Congress regulations Article 6.6.

B. The system
1. MoFA, 3 -4 congressmen and CP will provide a list that congressmen can directly approve their citizenship. MoFA and CP will take all responsibility on that.(The list provided by nevvven in the last newspaper still applies.)
2. A 5-10 congressmen will be responsible to montior those approved foreigners whether they obey the MoD orders or PTO threat.

By Part B (2), those congressmen are huyue, RemiliaYuki, Pierre Finse, Amos Ozil, Gary Mak.

I hereby confirm that no corruption is allowed for congressmen. If any foreigners encounter someone who request for gold / money in order to approve citizneship please make your complaint directly to KK Lau or nevvven.

Day 1317