[MOFA] Free Food / Rifle For eIndonesian Newbies

Day 977, 12:41 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

Dear New Citizens of eIndonesia,

I welcome you to this Game.

We hope that you get to know this game in a much better way.

I am giving out food so that it helps your health and a weapon so that you can fight well.

So all those out there please comment stating that you are a newbie so i can gift you.

Senior members please guide these newbies so that they can support our country in the best way possible.

If you see any newbies please teach them about the game.
Give them support and give them encouragement.

Please Please come in IRC .

Newbies please join a political party and also our military.

Hail eIndonesia

Thanking You,