[MOFA] eIndo For The Oil Export Hub Of The eWorld

Day 986, 19:27 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

Citizens lets transform eIndo to the biggest Oil exporting country in the eWorld.

In V1 Oil was not an important commodity but now the importance has shot up manifold.

There is huge demand for Zone3, Zone 4 tickets as people move from one part of the Globe to another.

As of now the Income Tax is 12% so this can be brought down to 2% .

- So that the workers get the maximum salary.

- This will help attract many workers from around the globe, be it Phoenix, Eden, Neutral, Allies.

- Give tickets to citizens who wants to relocate to eIndonesia.

- Help companies setup export License by which the Govt can contribute some part of it.

- Transform eIndo into an huge hub so that the whole eWorld shops for Oil here as we will offer the cheapest rates.

Please Voice your opinion on this.

eIndonesian Abroa😛

Dear people i urge you to return back to the motherland. we have many land jobs now and our economy is very good. i urge you to please return and work for eIndonesia.

We will turn the economy into a mammoth economy soon. so will not be possible without each and everyone's support.

Please change your citizenship's back to eIndonesian so that we as a group can show our colours in the battle field.

Neighboring Allies:

As you all know that there is a threat to eIndonesia soon. so we have started to take counter steps for that soon. we at the government have already spoken yesterday and we have come up with an fool proof plan which will be implemented on 6th soon.

As of now we have good relations between eIndia and ePhilipines among our neighboring allies.

so please do not worry but please always be prepared. stock up the best weapons possible.

eFrance Development:

The current president of eFrance has done an excellent job in terms of making relations better and i salute him for that. i have known Mysst for many months and he is an amazing guy.

After his article in eIndonesia which cleared the air, me and sapasaia has spoken to him a long time ago and sorted out many issues. since the things looks brighter i thought i will bring this up.

So i ask the people whats the next step which can be done?

Well Mysst had asked for an MPP between the two great countries...
So guys IMO things are quite better. we are not Eden who cannot co-ordinate among their own allies.

Even eSpain is Frustrated with Eden for not helping them.

We are quite mature and sensible. So this step will show the eWorld how great eIndonesians are are.

Won't you be Proud of this?

I sure will.

Here in V2 allies matter a lot, and we sure have some some good allies . so the more friends the better. Europe will soon burst into flames and even Asia also. so we will need all the help and we will provide all the help we can.

So please voice your opinion.

Lets keep the Flag of eIndonesia flying high.

