[MoFA.CN] Update & Looking for an assistant

Day 1,296, 07:37 Published in China China by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

Greetings citizens of eChina. As you already read in yesterdays article the MoFA will be handled by KK Lau and me, nevvven. Primarely I will work on European matters, but I will be available for all matters where the president feels I'm needed. Similarly I will be available to answer all citizen question that I can, and am allowed to.

Currently we are in contact with the Terra alliance and Russia in particular, as well as with Turkey with regards to the current situation. We're also hoping to get more done on alliance level, that is in EDEN.

I would also like to take this opportunity to announce that I, personally, am looking for an assistant in MoFA. Your main task will be to function as my translator, because my knowledge of Chinese scriptures is limitted, not to say non-existant. I would like for all my articles to have a Chinese version, apart from the english one I will write. Also I need help with some day to day communication with certain players. This will also be an opportunity to learn how MoFA works and possibly a way into future governements for people with political aspirations. You're required to have basic english skills and good chinese ones. Any other languages are a bonus. You will get payed 5 gold for one months work and applications can be sent to me in a private message.

Thank you for your time.

eC 的市民大家好。你應該己從昨天的報紙得知本月的MoFA 由KK Lau 和我 nevvven 負責。基本上我會負責歐洲事務,但我亦會在總統需要我時提供一切協助。同樣我亦會及有責任回答市民的問題。




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