[MOFA.CN] Support for RL South Koreans

Day 1,356, 18:11 Published in South Korea China by Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN
Dear citizens of South Korea,

Every country deserves to have their freedom from foreign political control, and South Korea is no exception. More so, South Korea's struggle for freedom has been particularly immpressive because it has been different groups over the course of the game who have attempted this feat, and tried to keep RL South Koreans down. Your struggle has been a lengthy one, and we hope it has only made eSouth Koreans stronger for it. The government of China would like to extend their support for your struggle to keep your country free from TO'ers.

It's simple: South Korea for RL South Koreans. Of course, foreigners are welcome in every country to bring a new dimension to the game, but when a foreign group attempts to control the political system of a nation for an extended period of time, and kills babies with their laws, messes with battles and law proposals, and is generally a nuisance, that is not the right way, and we can't support it. We are glad to see your struggle coming to an end, and we hope to see you reap the fruits of your labours.

Best wishes,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs CN

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