【MoFA】 An open letter about our Foreign Affairs.

Day 3,714, 00:59 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

As things have come to a head, I thought today was the perfect time to go through the most recent MoFA updates, so that everyone can appreciate were we are upto, and also what's been going on in the world. First and foremost, I want to go over the UK's position in the world. I'll then release a further update in relation to recent wars/etc tomorrow.

Since our brexit out of Orion, we've been hovering between rocks, hard places, and Waynes, in the hope of something progressing.

Since then, we've had various promises from various Presidents, and reassurances that everything is fine.

It isn't.

Reassurances were given that communication with our allies was going well, and that our Government would ensure that we were getting closer and closer to where we wanted to be.

It wasn't, and we weren't.

Although the work that Nomad did last month did go some way to trying to reassure our allies, it was too little, too late. Pretty much every day, I've been speaking with our allies and friends, and doing my best to get the UK back to where we should be: and individually, our friends (both old and new) are supportive. The issue is, that what I have emphasised (and again, I'd like to stress, Nomad began to some degree last month) is seen as a refreshing change. The issue that's been relayed back from various murky figures across the eWorl😛 we're not seen as reliable. Whether this has been misconstrued, misunderstood, or girl got issues is beside the point: the fact it took me hours to explain how we weren't a satellite state for Colin and his credit card, or actively working to support Turkey should show just how little faith some of our friends have in us: and also demonstrate that some people who think they know what they're doing, clearly don't.

The point of a steady relationships, is to ensure that if a Government is inactive, incapable or just inept, that our allies can rely on our historical relations to reassure themselves we're not batshit. Admittedly, the worries they have about us are far-fetched, but the worrying thing is that the mutual trust and shared history isn't cutting it. The merry we're bored let's NE brigade has always existe😛 but it's never been given free reign nearly as much as in recent times. To be clear, Foreign Relations are murky. Some countries that we perceive as enemies, are friends of friends. Some countries we assume are friends, are actually enemies of friends. Thus, actions we took against various countries, in the previous couple of months, got us wiped.

The annoying thing is, we were told we'd be wiped, yet we did it anyway.
It was explained why it wasn't a great idea, but we did it anyway.

All in all, the general erosion some in Asteria have towards us is in my opinion, an overeaction: but countries can only overreact when they lack trust: and trust isn't just given willingly. So sure, leaving Orion was great because oh god boring, but the way it was handled was truly god awful. Since then, we've had intermittent communication with Asteria and allied nations until Nomad's term: either as a result of inept or inactive leadership within Foreign Affairs. Going forward, this can't continue.

- To the we're bored, let's NE someone brigade: durp in your feeds, not with our alliances. Stuff is complicated, what looks like an easy target can be anything but that: we ourselves have proved this against Sweden. But at the same time, what looks like a viable target, can also be anything but that.

- To the why aren't we in Asteria yet brigade: because they're pissed, and some of it is justified. Our 'organized military forces' are a joke, and I've only managed to be able to get people to fight for allies by shouting, funding their weapons and tickets myself. When we can actually help, they'd let us in without a second's hesitation.

- To the why don't we have stronger MPPs brigade: because those countries don't trust us enough yet. I'm trying my best to sort things, but ultimately it takes time.

- To the oh god USA TW baw baw baw brigade: let's be very clear that this isn't a training war. They invade us, let us RW ourselves, and send back tax revenue: that's it. There's not now, nor has there ever, been any understanding that we're equal partners in a training war. They want us to lose tax income so we remain weak: obviously negotiations to close it are complex, and depend on them basically being nice and closing the war before we crumble - as and when there are updates I will publish them all.

To summarize:
- a [insert thing you like] dies everytime we do something retarded, and we've done a lot recently, so Foreign Affairs stuff is taking more time than I'd like.
- If I get one more message asking why we haven't signed stronger MPPs or peace with ‘Murica, I'll kill something you like.
- Stop assuming that people will be understanding and forgetful about durp: everyone hates morons, what right do we have to ask people not to hate us when we're morons?
