[MOFA] A Historic Day For eIndonesia And eFrance (eIndo)

Day 989, 06:27 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Martabak Ostin

Today is a Historic Day for eIndonesia and eFrance.

Finally after several months of negotiation :

eIndonesia and eFrance have taken the next ultimate step:

Yes we have sorted among the difference and ourselves and we have signed an MPP between us.
We have sat for many meeting and we have came to various solutions.

Yes eIndonesia and eFrance have signed a MPP and only a few hours before its is activated.

For all people of both countries this is indeed an happy occasion. so rejoice.

eIndonesia and eFrance fights for each other.

If you mess with eFrance then you messing with eIndonesia.

Hail eFrance
Hail eIndonesia
Hail Phoenix

Tanking You,

Phoenix Treasurer
eIndonesian MOFA