[MoF]Meet the Staff - Volume 1

Day 1,638, 10:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, we thought we'd take time out of our busy schedule today to introduce some of the staff to you. We decided to do this to show many of you new players that these guys are just like you. They're newer or looking to gain experience into how the Government operates, and have chosen this fine Ministry to do so. So, here's an interview that I conducted with thenatmand.

1. How long have you been playing Erepublik, and how did you first get invited (or find) the game?

Answer: I have been playing eRepublik for around 2 and a half months, so borderline new player.

2. What has been the hardest thing for you to understand in Erepublik thus far?

Answer: The hardest thing to understand is probably who our allies and enemy alliances are, we have very little information on them, the rest is pretty straight forward

3. What is your opinion of the Government's functions, and how have they helped you in your Erep journey?

Answer: Since the last 2 months have been Talon Karrde I feel like it has been quite closed of, apart from the MoD. Now we are in appleby's new term all the Cabinets are being more open. In regards to them helping me Not so much the first month but only recently I have taken full use of the 3K NHS grant, which is a life saver for me.

4. Tell me, in your own words, what a new player can do right now to help the UK, and what can we do as a Government to help them?

Answer: What a new player can do is get one of the NHS grants, they are soo useful when you start out, Join a Military Unit and complete their Daily orders and just communicate with everyone, comment on news papers, hell make your own newspapers and Go into the IRC Chat and befriend our community and you get cool weapons as a bonus. What We can do as a government is actively help others, set up Q+As for people, have polls on mundane things to get everyone involved. And continue/ Improve the NHS grants and make more because I feel that is a great thing for the Government can do.

So, there you have it. A newer guy, looking to get involved, and he's already working in a Ministry. Anyone has a shot, all you have to do is ask! Send a friend request, send a message. It's all pretty simple!

~The MoF Team