[MoF]Hello There New Guy!

Day 1,630, 16:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Well, here we are. Another month, another Ministry. This time, I'll be representing the Ministry of Finance, which means I'll be able to stealwatch over all the money and hold it hostage dole it out per request and application.

This month figures to be a boringexciting term. We've got the National Health Service moving into the Ministry of Home Affairs, which leaves the Finance Department with just the New Player Grant, which anyone under the age of three months can qualify for. That means any one of you new players is entitled to the amount of 3,000 sterling British Euros (huahuehuahue).

If I recall correctly, we'll be amending the amount soon (perhaps dropping it just a tad bit), so request now so you don't lose out!

As far as what's on tap this term, it figures to be quite worktastic. I'm going to mingle in some things that are normally done in the other departments to make the Ministry of Finance a bit more rounde😛

1. The MoF will be messaging every now and then to tell people about our programs specifically. We won't be sending a ton of messages, but we'll focus on some of the larger groups so they can pass on our programs to their newer members.

2. We're going to have an increased presence in the media, which we'll be doing from personal papers. As we have a few newer players in our midst, it'll be nice for them to get some exposure to their newspaper, and allow them to tell you, the new guy, what their experience is thus far within the MoF, and what they can offer you. Remember, they're here to help you, and they are just as new as you are!

3. Grants/Monies/Stuff: We'll be organising some neat stuff this month, which might include some "gatherings" in IRC for handouts, talking, mentoring (coordinating with the MoHA, of course), as well as continuing our normal grant schemes from both forum and in game messages.

So, that's it for now! Join up today, get involved, get learned in the way of the JediMinistry of Finance!

Me, on behalf of the whole team