***MOD Article*** Day 1819

Day 1,819, 00:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by Death and Taxes


I don't have access to the org yet for 'official announcements' but this is as good as anything. Just an update in very sparse format, so forgive wall of text.


MUFC/Psych0 as MoD and Ethel as MoFA have both resigned for their own reasons. mirek has taken up the reins as MoFA and I am now MoD. I was about the 34th person WHS asked and so rightfully know my place as the bottom of the pile.

Taking into account my lack of experience I have the pleasure of introducing a strong team who will actually run the show while I act as messenger boy. The MoD team for the rest of this term is:

The one formally known as the MoD
The one who really should be MoD
Our best MU commander
The great hope for the future

We hope to provide the nation and our CP the expertise and knowledge to ensure our little country can withstand any external threat as well as dealing with the following matters in a professional manner:


The TW (Training War) with Canada will end shortly, as seven days have passed since the NE was declared by their congress. This will involve a declaration of a peace treaty to be ratified by both congresses.

When this passes, Canada will RW their regions back (if any) and normal relations will be restored. The MoD would ask our citizens to assist Canada the return of its regions in an expedient manner by not fighting against them, and indeed, fighting for them should the matter arise.

The MoD would like to thank their counterparts in Canada for a very pleasant war with benefits for both sides including mission fulfilment and many true patriot medals. We trust that relationships between both countries will remain as cordial and strong as they currently are.


As you may be aware, by NE'ing Ireland first, Canada lost all her similar MPP's to us, and I believe their last MPP with Germany expires in 8 hours. The current CP of Canada was very keen to join CoT, an alliance that would have put us on a current collision course. However, the Canadian public have made it clear that this is not going to happen. In this article here, their CP outlines the reasons why. With no MPP's in play Canada are going to have to do some serious thinking about alliances and as our near neighbour and good friend, we should work together.


As you may have heard, the regional swap with the UK is back on the cards again. The UK is trying to get its parliament to ratify it but there seems to be a strong division on this.

Should they pass it, the matter will then be brought to the Dáil for congress to ratify or reject it here. It is not the job of the MoD to persuade individual congress members to vote one way or the other. However, I think it is fair to point out that strategically, the constant RW's and the difficulty in setting it up in the first place, is a significant drain on our resources and influence.

The region swap also caused deep division in some sectors in an already divided nation.

The main benefit as a resource bonus as well as direct access to Northern Europe counterbalances this somewhat, provided we have a plan for war.

All we ask is that people themselves ask questions and debate it should the UK pass the motion.


As our nation is broke, we are no longer in a position to give out free supplies to all and sundry. Those of you looking for supplies have two options. Either join the Irish Army and make use of a limited number of commune spots (currently 7 x Q7 weapons per day) or alternatively if you are young enough, join Boot Camp where a joint venture on supply will hopefully come into place shortly.


My function as MoD will be on communication with the nation. As a figurehead it will be necessary to join the various IRC rooms around and I will start doing this on Tuesday evening.

I will leave my current MU and take a tour around the various Irish MU's on a spying mission of bringing hope and love to you all. I will write an article every week, and I will at all times, endeavour to do what is best for this wonderful country of ours.

The MoD would like to thank Yddub EmwolB for his wonderful charity and kindness to the nation as a whole, particularly the younger ones.

Message ends