[MoC Lithuania] Introducing Lithuania

Day 2,962, 12:25 Published in Lithuania Lithuania by The Mindebuc

Hello, this is Ministry of Culture of Lithuania and one of workers of MoC - The Mindebuc.

This time, everything is in English. Maybe you'll ask "Why?". Well, here's the answer.

As a Lithuanian outside Lithuania, I'am encountering the fact (and quite often, actually), that a lot of people in other countries (in this situation - Sweden) don't know anything about Lithuania. To change things a little bit, I decided to do some slides about Lithuania. That was a school project. But now, before the 2016, I changed my mind and decided to do a slides-based movie about Lithuania.


Yes, I know, that information could be a little bit old (half a year old) or not the right one (as you could think). Please don't judge me for that. Just, enjoy the movie and maybe know you will know something more about Lithuania. Thank you for watching.

O jei aprašant viską ir lietuviškai, tai tiesiog nusprendžiau pristatyti dar pavasarį pradėtą (ir tik dabar užbaigtą) mokyklinį projektą apie mūsų šalį. Informacija filmuke yra anglų kalba. Jeigu informacija nėra tiksli arba prasilenkia su jūsų nuomone, tada atsiprašau


O tam, kad negautumėm velnių nuo moderatorių, noriu pranešti, jog KM visada laukia naujų darbuotojų. Tolimesnė informacija pasirodys po prezidento rinkimų.